
25 4 2

A  word cloaked in cobwebs,
And hidden under the dried blood,
Of the broken, and the bruised,
Those who, like me, hide behind their masks,
And say everything is okay.

They’ve fallen,
Without a chance to catch themselves,
Because their one handhold,
One modicum of sanity,
They were sure was stable,

Their sanity seemed to fade,
Like the sand in an hourglass.

And now I’m falling,
And I don’t know when I’ll stop,
My arms flailing, reaching,
For a hand,
For that broken ledge, my only hope,
Despite the knowledge that it is gone.

I know it’s too late,
I swear the ground must have arrived,
How much longer can it last?
Where are you?

A/N Sorry that was so depressing. Hopefully you like these poems. I just felt like I wasn't doing anything with my wattpad life so...yeah.

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