Why Must We Dance?

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A/N- Hey I have been trying to update but it is a crazy summer so far. I WILL UPDATE! Alright, I'm done being weird... maybe.

Chapter 2

"Hello mother, father" I greet.

"Elizabeth,"my mother acknowledges,"How is the party so far?"

"Quite enjoyable. Thank you mother."

"Come," my father says. " We must make the rounds."

Together we walked around the hall, greeting friends and acquaintances. What a bore. A little 'It's a pleasure to meet you' and 'How is the family?' and I'm done. Sometimes I think of running away from the restrictions and the judging society I live in. But I know I can't do that. There is too much on my shoulders. All society girls know it is their job to act properly, get married to a wealthy bachelor, provide him with children, and then die having fulfilled those duties because there are only 3 occasions where your name is mentioned in the papers. When you are born, when you get married, and when you die. It seems strange that women wouldn't be mentioned for any other accomplishment but this is expected as society ladies are expected to stay at home, run parties and take care of the children.

It makes me contemplate if I want to follow that path as well. No, not at all. But what other paths can I go down? If I walk away from my family I will be out in the world, susceptible to poverty and disease. And I long to join a paper and tell the stories of the people out in that crazy world, to go out and explore. But I would be without money and support, my family would never approve of such an activity. And that chilling thought has kept me in too. I walk into the party, and on my parents' orders, start to mingle.

"Hello Elizabeth," I hear someone say. I turn around to find none other than Mr.EligableBachelor, or as society knows, Charles Grosvenor. My father and mother, and most social pages say he is a 'most favorable match' when they think I am not listening, which I always am.

"Why hello Charles. Are you enjoying yourself?" I say. My fake smile is starting to cramp up a bit.

"Very much so. How about yourself?"

"Well, I have to say I feel quite stuffy. If you would excuse me, I am going to get some fresh air." I lie, planning my early retreat to my room. I like Charles, just not that way. He is a good friend, but if my mother and father and his parent's plan come through, I will have to marry him.

" I will come with you. My undershirt is stuck to me like glue.", he says, nervously playing with his hands.

"Really, I will be quite alright-"

"To tell you the truth, your mother and father and my mother and father want me to court you. Would you like to dance?" He questions. He looks nervous.

No. Not at all. No thank you, good sir. But I must. "I would be delighted," I say extending my hand for him to take.

This is going to be quite a night.

Won't be writing for a while. Going to a summer camp. I'll have written a lot when I get back tho.

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