Refreshments Anyone

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Charles POV
Lizabeth holds herself with such elegance. She seems to concentrated on the dance moves to notice me staring. Goodness me, I must stop. I am being much to forward. Although I believe she thinks it's just our parents who want us to be together, I want that too. She has such beautiful hair, the color of the most beautiful oak tree. Eyes like the gray fog with flashes of gold and blue. She looks as though she is off in her mind, in her thoughts, as she probably is. Off in some new adventure. A new, or perhaps old, world. She messes up on a step and I notice the disappointment in her eyes and I pick her up only slightly off of the floor, and she gasps. Surprise and amusement on her face. She gives me a large smile, and when I put her down she get into the dance again, no longer messing up.
After the dance I offer refreshments, noticing the flushed look of her cheeks. She happily accepts and sits down on a nearby chair, managing to make even that simple action into an elegant endeavor.
I head off, making my way through the crowds of men courting women, shooting a wink to my friend who on his arm has the girl he has wanted to be with since we were children. I get two cups of water and start to head back, looking over at her and I see she is looking intently and something that seems to be moving across the floor, though what it is, I have no idea. I see the large doors open and close and she stands up, curiosity clear on her face. She grabs her shawl from the back of her chair, throwing it over her clothes and rushes through the large oak doors. Leaving me, utterly confused, with two untouched drinks. Left to gawk at my "girl" per say, leaving me to watch and wonder as she leaves the hall.

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