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The smell of Basil and maint mixed together is the first thing I noticed of the house. That smell.. I wonder how the smell is so strong. If Leo's right Bloody Rose doesn't live here anymore so why is the smell so strong like it was barely put to boil together.That's very interesting it makes me more curious about this house other than the decor. Well, the decor is interesting as well, theirs a bunch of painting's on the walls of nature and animals. Theirs even shelves and drawers around the house made about five but they all have books, letters, and paintings in them.

Her house is filled with hidden passages I wonder how she made them I counted five of those. I walked around more and I came upon her kitchen yep as expected the mixture of basil and mint, it' stronger here. Just like the rest of the house, the kitchen is dusty. Nothing has been on this stove for a long time but the basil and mint smell like it was fresh. I walked around her house, I went upstairs and I didn't see or read anything that gives me information about Bloody Rose. I went back downstairs and stared at a hung painting.

This Whole time Leo hasn't even said a word to me since we entered the house. All she's doing is watching me from the doorway. I have no idea why isn't she suppose to teach me about Bloody Rose. Well, I can try to look around a bit longer see if I missed anything that Leo was waiting for me to find. I went to the living room and I noticed an emblem on the short table that was in the middle of some seats. Picking up the emblem I immediately recognized what it was. This was from my village: The mystic gem... It's been missing from the temple for eight years now... H-H-H-How did this get here.

The whole emblem is still intact the bracelet isn't broken what so ever. The silver color of the bracelet isn't worn out even a scratch on it. The weird thing is that the gem feels like it's been with a human touch these oast 8 years. I clenched the emblem and decide to bring it along with me so I put it in my front right pocket. I got lost in thought... All I could think was how did it get here? can it be possible that Bloody Rose was the one who took this? and if she did what's the point? This only works for humans, not Ghost?demons or monsters... Or made Bloody Rose is a .. Human...

Lost in thought I felt water drop over my head... "What the hell" "'What the hell' Noiz the hell is wrong with you dam standing here all spaced out scaring ht eh hell out of me" Leo dropped a bucket on the floor.

"Did you have to drop water on my head Leo" "Yes yes I did" Leo said while walking back to the door I grabbed her hand before she got to the door. "Oh no, you don't your explaining why you're not helping me understand Bloody Rose." She tried to get out of my grip but really what she did was to make me tighten my grip. We stood there for a few seconds until "Let go of me and then I'll tell you" She was staring at her hand when she said it. Wanting to get an answer I did as told and waited for my answer. "Sigh, All the information that there is about bloody rose is in this house, which has a book hidden somewhere here that, explains everything about bloody rose. I have no idea where it is... but you find it and learn from it... I can't teach you anything else then you probably already don't know. Other than warning you not to go out and find her, She's dangerous and should not be taken lightly"

Leo stared at me straight in the eyes when she said it. Leo has a point but I can't back out now! ... Bloody Rose had one of the emblems of my village! And now I'm going to find out why. Then I'm going to fight her... That's still going to happen. "Look, Leo, I appreciate the help but I'll find her...I have to" I clenched the emblem that was in my right front pocket. "Fine do what you want just know if you escape her you can come back to AKIRA AOI to recover".She said with a warm smile. "Alright well, I'll help you find the notebook so let's get to it." Without having any time to disagree with her she began looking through the drawers.

Getting help is nice but man did she make a mess. Some drawers were left open others about to fall out and paper paintings anything that was in a drawer was on the floor. While she was going on ahead and trashing the place. I took it upon myself to clean up the mess along with checking if Leo missed anything.

A few minutes later Leo finished looking through everything in the bottom leave of the house. So she went up to the upper-level which she did the exact same thing with me flowing behind cleaning up her mess. When I first came up here I didn't really think nothing of the stuff. There were two bedrooms one of which was all fixed up clean well before Leo went in theirs. The room generally was dusty like the rest of the house but the next room was destroyed and Leo hadn't even gone in there and it was already trashed. There were scratches on the wall paintings torn in half, weapons on the ground. A rose in a glass vase on the window sill. Unlike the rest of the house, the room wasn't that dusty. There were two bedrooms... why did she need two? Leo figured that the room belonged to bloody rose. Me I have no idea it could be either room but that book will reveal who she truly is.

Leo did the usual and so did I but instead of finding nothing I stepped on a broken floorboard which I won't lie. It made me yell mostly because of the pain since it made me fall and hit my head on a piece of furniture.

Anyway, when I took my foot out I noticed a brown notebook in the floor. I took the notebook out of their, it had an unordinary design it had splats of some kind of red liquid. My guesses blood or red paint but mostly blood. Those sports were on front and back of the notebook. In the front of the notebook there was another design but carved in, it was the design of a heart that on top was ice and bottom was water. Along with a man's hand above the ice and a women's hand at the bottom of the water, as if their making the heart out of their power.

It was nice design but, is this the book that Leo was talking about? During the time I was looking at the notebook, I noticed that Leo had left. I didn't worry too much since I knew she would head to her village and stay there. I was trying to look for clues of anything that connects this notebook to nay thing. Which it does but theirs two bedrooms who ever lived with bloody rose . Their's no telling who had slept in either bedroom but that just means that this notebook, can beeither one of theirs. Even if that's the case this notebook has to hold information of bloody rose.

I went out of the house holding on to the notebook, I looked around for Leo. She was standing by the river throwing rocks. "Hey, Leo!" "Yeah" I had towards a large tock that was under a tree. "I found a notebook" I sat on the rock looking at the notebook. "Is that the book?" Leo said sitting next to me. "Maybe," I said, "Mmm are you gonna read it now?" "Yeah, I am I'll read it out loud for you to hear it ok?"

Leo agreed so I positioned the notebook in a way where we both can see the words. I took a deep breath, Flipped open the notebook, went to the first page.

"This diary belongs to Scarlett Melham'

'What's hidden inside one's heart can be anything of that of evil or that of goodness"

Bloody roseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang