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I woke up screaming and yelling and pushing whoever was next to me and holding me.

"GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!! DONT HURT ME PLEASE DONT HURT ME!!" I screamed. I then look and see that I was next to Shawn.

"It was just a bad dream. I won't ever hurt you." He softly says.

I started to calm down then I felt nauseous, I ran to his bathroom and started to throw up in the toilet. Then he runs in and holds my hair for me and rubs my back.
Once I was done I stood up and washed my mouth out. Shawn gave me a spare toothbrush and I brushed my teeth. I then walk back into the bedroom seeing Shawn standing up and looking into his closet. His back looked like he has been working out every moment he would make you could see the tense of his muscles. Everything he's done for me I'm so thankful for people like him. I go from behind him and hug him tightly from behind.

"Thank you for taking care of me. I truly appreciate it. I'm sorry about a mess I was yesterday." I said and he holds my arms then turns around and gave me a real hug with my arms around his neck and his arms around my waist.

"I would do anything for you." He says and my heart started to beat fast. He's so lovable. "I'll go find you some clothes what size are you?"

"Small in everything." I said as I go to sit on the bed.

"Okay I'll be right back hopefully I'll have something in small." He says and I smiled at him.

I've been treating him so poorly. I can't believe he's still willingly to do these things for me. I never noticed the love and care he had for me. I was so blind being wrapped around Tyler's fingers.
He comes in and smiles at me then hands me his old clothes and I noticed his knuckles were bruised up.

I frown. "What happened to your hands?" I asked as I put the clothes aside and take his hands and look at them.

"Oh nothing just-"

"Shawn you're lying. It's not nothing they look really bad." I said.

"I kind of kicked your boyfriends ass last night after you told me about him... yeah. It just made me mad and I actually never been that mad before I freaked out and took all of my anger out on him something I couldn't do when he would push me in the halls and make fun of me and-" I cut him off by kissing him.

I'm so thankful for him. He's done something not no one not even I could do.

We pull apart and he says. "Gosh I'm so in love with you." I just blush badly, "Sorry if that was too soon. I just am. And I don't regret not saying it."

"It's okay I don't mind." I said as I laugh at his dorky personality.

He smiles widely. "I'm going to go make breakfast and let you change." He says and leaves shutting the door.

I strip down out of the warm robe that was given to me and I told it and set it on his bed and I put on the clothes he gave me. It was some sweat pants and a black short-sleeve v-neck shirt. It smelt like him and he smelt like fresh roses.
After I was finished changing I head downstairs and as I was walking downstairs the food was smelling so good. I look in the kitchen to see Shawn cooking! I did not know that he could cook!

"So you're the one Shawn cried over." A small brunette girl comes up to me and says. Holy fuck she looks exactly like Shawn.

"Aaliyah!" Shawn yells.

"It's okay I won't tell her the most embarrassing part. Yes I will eventually. But I'm Aaliyah Mendes. Shawns little sister. To be honest you're prettier than expected Shawn was right for once." She says and I giggle and shake her hand.

"Haha thank you, I'm Priscilla Ashton. Just call me Priss." I said.

"I always wonder what his songs are about but now I know who. Like Treat You Better. You haven't heard that song? It's really good an-"

She gets cut off. "Okay and it's time for you to be quite breakfast is done anyone starving?" Shawn says and we headed to the table.

Shawn brings us our plates we thanks him and he brings out his. I sat at one side of the table Shawn sat at the other side and Aaliyah sat at the end next to us.

"Shawn this is very good! Where did you learn how to cook?" I said.

"From the one and only, me." Aaliyah says making me laugh and Shawn roll his eyes.

"In your little dreams Aaliyah." He says. "I actually learned from our mom. Speaking of where is mom and dad?"

"They said they were going to be gone for a week for worker appreciation week in Florida for moms job. They will be back next Monday night." Aaliyah says.

"It would be really cool if I met your parents." I said.

"They would honestly love you! Since you are the first girl to ever step foot into the Mendes house." Aaliyah says and I smile.

After breakfast Aaliyah went upstairs to hang in her room and I decided that I would at least wash the dishes for him.

"You really don't have to you know." He says.

"I know but I want to. You've done so much for me. It would be rude if I didn't do anything." I said.

"I'll help you then." He says.

We were regularly washing the dishes and got finished. It was around 12 o'clock and I had to get back to my place.

"I have to leave." I said as I dried my hands.

"No...I mean um- do-do you wanna um watch a movie before you take off?" He says.

"Sure." I said and I grab his hand and he leads me to the couch were I was sitting next to him.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" He asked.

"Incredibles?" I said.

"Oh my gosh I love that movie." He says.

"It's always good to bring back a childhood memory." I said as I laid my head on his shoulder and he slowly wraps his arm around my waist.

"Um am-am I doing this right? Is this right?" He asked. He's such a nerd it's so adorable!

"You're doing everything right." I simply say then kiss his cheek making his cheeks turn a bright red.

Ugh what did I do to deserve this boy.


She's so amazing. But I cannot believe my sister would say things like that she probably thinks I'm a weirdo.
She fell asleep half into the movie and my eyes started drifting as well. So I rested my head on top of hers and leaned back a bit with my feet up on the coffee table then I instantly closed my eyes.

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