Complete Crap Of A School

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Wow what a perfect way to wake up on the first day of school, by falling off your bed. Ryan thought to himself while trying to stand up.

Ryan had switched schools over summer due to bullying from his past school. He was terrified to go to this new school called "Castella High." Ryan dragged himself to the bathroom and brushed his pearly whites. He was glad he got his braces taken off a few weeks ago, he looked horrid in them. Ryan made his way to his dressing table where he began heating up his flat iron. While waiting for his flat iron to heat up, Ryan changed into a blue shirt and black skinny jeans. Ryan was sort of obsessed with eyeliner so he would apply eyeliner every morning. It made him feel more confident and make his eyes pop. After straightening his hair he ran downstairs. He was immediately greeted with his mom, dad, and younger sister.

"Ryan sweetie are you excited for your first day of grade 12?" Asked Ryan's mom, Jackie.

"Im scared."

"Ryan I know you have bad anxiety and if it does get to you during class you can always call me and I will send someone to come pick you up. I understand that a new school can be frightening but I know how strong you are." Jackie replied in a soothing tone.

"Yeah come on Ryan! Remember this is your last year so try and stay positive! Ryan's dad, George chimed in.

"And you can always talk to me if you don't feel so good. Please don't hurt yourself either...." Grace, Ryan's younger sister whimpered.

Ryan looked down at his arms. The scars were fading but they were still noticable.

"Thanks. I love you all." I replied. Before sitting down and digging into my bowl of cheerios.

Just before it was time to leave I ran back upstairs and put on a black jacket over my shirt. I wasn't ready to have my scars on display yet. The only thing that I was slightly excited about this new school was that my old best friend from eight grade went there. Spencer. Ryan knew he probably had new friends and forgot about him. That was the only part that made him sad. Ryan quickly looked into the mirror to make sure he looked decent. He sprayed a tiny bit of cologne on before grabbing his backpack and walking out the door. George had offered to give him a ride to school but Ryan declined. He told his dad that he wanted some fresh air before leaving for school.

Ryan got to school in 10 minutes. He looked at Castella High and wanted to throw up. It was massive! (Thats what she said sorry lol) Thats when Ryan started to panic. What if I get lost? What if I get bullied? Oh I probably look like a complete idiot. Thoughts flooded his mind. Ryan didn't want to have a panic attack on his first day of school. He already had enough of those the night before. Ryan took a few deep breathes before walking in.

Oh my god. It was twice as big on the inside. And guess looked like a complete crap of a school!


This is how Ryan looked like on the first day at Castella High. He looks cute as fuck. I also had to edit on the eyeliner because I was too lazy to draw it on so excuse the crappy eyeliner...he still looks fine af.

 Thanks for reading our first crappy chapter! Next chapter will be going up in a few days and we promise it will 100% be longer!

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Thanks for reading our first crappy chapter! Next chapter will be going up in a few days and we promise it will 100% be longer!

-Rae & Ryden ❤

Caught Dead In This Place (Ryden)Where stories live. Discover now