When The Night Met The Day

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[Brendon POV]

The last thing I remember is kissing Ryan Ross. It was so amazing. His lips moved in sync with mine as he held onto me. The warmth of his body collided with the warmth of mine. I started to get this Numb feeling. The post-depression hit me like a train. Im his teacher. This is illegal. Brendon this is a bad idea. No. I asked him. He said yes. He likes me. We just got to keep it on the low. Nobody can find out. If they do I could lose my job and be arrested. Calm down Brendon.

My phone buzzed on the chestnut brown coffee table in front of me.

RyRo❤: I just passed out for 5 hours.

Wait what time was it? 2:27am. Oh well I guess I was so worried about Ryan and I that I forgot to sleep.

Brenny Bear💕: Wow you must have been really tired.

RyRo❤: Yeah I was. Also why are you still awake? I didn't wake you from your sleep did I?

Awww Ryan worries about me. How cute.

Brenny Bear💕:  No. I haven't even fallen asleep.

RyRo❤: How come?

Brenny Bear💕: I was thinking.

RyRo❤: about what?

Brenny Bear💕: Us.

RyRo❤: Oh.

Brenny Bear💕: We can't make it public yet.

RyRo❤: Yeah I was thinking the same.

Brenny Bear💕: Good.

RyRo❤: This is going to be hard.

Brenny Bear💕: I know but your a strong person Ry. I know we can do it together.

RyRo❤: Thanks 💖

Brenny Bear💕: So are you going to sleep again?

RyRo❤: No. Im too awake to fall back asleep. You should sleep though.

Brenny Bear💕: Its saturday and I have no plans. Im not sleepy anyways.

RyRo❤: Well then...Now what?

Brenny Bear💕: Is it possible to sneak out your house?

RyRo❤: Yeah I mean Sarah does it to my house.

Brenny Bear💕: Okay then meet me outside your house in 5 minutes.

RyRo❤: Thats not enough time for mw to straighten my hair and put on eyeliner! Also I am NOT sneaking out my house at 2:30am.

Brenny Bear💕: So I guess you don't want to see me then?

RyRo❤: ugh your impossible.

Brenny Bear💕: Its a date!

RyRo❤: WHAT?!?! I am not going to look like crap on my first date!

Brenny Bear: Stop whining. You have 4 minutes now.

RyRo❤: Finee I'll see you in 4 minutes.

Brenny Bear💕: See ya love.

[Read at 2:31am]

Ryans POV

"Ugh my boyfriend is impossible! Making me sneak out my house at 2:30am! How dare he!" I groaned to myself as I slid out of bed.

I ran to my dresser and quickly combed and flattened my hair down. I grabbed a hoodie and put on my plain black converse. I grabbed my phone from my bed. 2:36am. I opened my window to find Brendon smiling at me. His hair was a complete utter mess but he still looked just as beautiful as usual. He was wearing an off white sweater and jeans.

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