Illegal Confessions Part Two

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"Its almost halloween!"

Brendon excitedly told the class while bouncing up and down.

"Mr.Urie isn't it only October 4th?"

"Wait since when was is the 4th Rickash? I thought it was the 24-nevermind it is the 4th." Brendon sighed.

The entire class burst into tears of laughter. Ryan couldn't help but it laugh along with them. Oh my god how much funnier can Brendon get?

"Wait why are you guys laughing?"

"Mr.Urie you do know that we just pranked you? Its not the 4th or 24th, its the 30th." Rickash said punching Michael on the arm and laughing.

Once again the class burst into laughter while Brendon stood in front of the class looking slightly embarrassed. Thats when Ryan noticed from the corner of his eye that Brendon was looking at him and smiling. Huh why was Brendon looking at him? Oh whatever.

"Okay class so since tomorrow is halloween and we have class tomorrow I was planning on having a little party. You guys have been doing great in this class you deserve it!" Brendon looked at Ryan and winked. Wait did Brendon just wink at me? Nah Im going crazy.

The entire class cheered when they found out there was absolutely no homework. Honestly Brendon is fucking awesome. I wonder how fucking awesome he would be in bed-Nevermind Ryan don't think bad thoughts...

The bell rang and everyone ran home, except me. Brendon asked me to stay behind before class started.

"Hey RyRo whats good?"

"Umm ice cream is good?"

Good fucking job on that one Ryan. Thank god Brendon laughed at that.

"Ice cream really is good."

"Yeah I guess so."

"Hey so anyways Im ordering pizza tomorrow night and I'd like it if you joined me at 6pm. It could be like a halloween party just between us."

"Umm Brendon is that even legal?"

"Uhh well-"

"You don't know do you?"

"Yeah I don't.." Brendon said quietly.

"Well I'll be glad to."

Brendon perked his head up with a huge smile on his face.

"Oh really!! Oh my god I am soo excited!!"

Brendon is literally a child. He did tell me last week that he has ADHD. Brendon then proceeded to jump up and down clapping his hand. Of course I couldn't help but to laugh my ass off.

"Yes of course you child!"

Man I was falling in love harder with this man. And it hurts me that:
a) He doesn't like me back
b) We can't be together since its illegal
c) Worst of all, every single time I talked to him I loved him even more. The way his words rolled off his tounge and genuine smile he always head just killed me. Ughhh I fangirl for my history teacher. How weird is that?

"Hellloooo RyRo to Brendon. Can you hear me?"

"Huh what?" I said coming out of my dreamy thoughts.

"You blanked out for a moment there."

"Oh um I did? I mean Im sorry."

"Why are you sorry? RyRo its totally cool." He said with a smirk.

"Oh sorry that I said sorry."

"Calm down RyRo you're not canadian. No need to say sorry a bunch of times ."

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