Not an update

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Hey guys!

Don't worry I have a new imagine coming for y'all tomorrow!!

Also I wanted to let you guys know that I changed my username. These past couple of months I've done a lot of growing and changing as a person and I've grown out of my "emo phase". My old username @punk_bxtch was made in the height of it and I felt like it was time for a change.

So I will now be under @sydneyisneckdeep! I just thought I'd let you guys know.

Also today I tried to slide into a guys DMs today and I think I came on too strong and scared him away *sigh* oh well it wasn't the first time I was rejected and won't be the last. Also I went thrifting today and bought a whole bunch of clothes that I'm very excited for.

Lastly, a question.

If I started a YouTube Channel and/or blog would any of you guys watch/read it??

It's something that I'm interested in doing especially now that I've become more confident with recording myself.

I kinda wanna post Hauls/lookbook and stuff like that, but I also wanna post bass and piano covers. I just haven't decided yet lol so your guys input would be great!

Anywho see you guys soon!


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