Quote 17

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*convo between my friend in and me which she's Pidge and I'm Lance lol)

Lance: You take every single step on the stairs? But that takes so loooong!

Pidge: SHUT UP!
**playing Legend of Zelda**

Lance: Hey, think Link could swim in a relay?

Pidge: No.

Lance: Nah, you're right. He'll doggie-paddle his way out of this. Oh god... I'm dying! I'll climb my way to freedom!

Pidge: Don't do it...

Lance: I got this!

Pidge: You're not gonna make it

Lance: I WILL MAKE IT! *falls* ...I think I just died...

Pidge: You did.

Lance: Damn it
Lance: I will trade this chicken for a horse.

Pidge: You can't do that.

Lance: Yeah... I could dream, though
Lance: OH MY GOD IT'S A DOG! I wanna pet it! *attempts to pet dog but utilizes sword instead. *SCREAMS* Oh my god, he's ok. *clutches heart* I almost died just now.

Pidge: Yeah, can't pet the dog. Everyone's upset about it.

Lance: Well that sucks.
Pidge: Ok, your turn.

Lance: Cool *takes controller*

Pidge: Oh shit, I gave you a bomb!

Lance: NICE! *runs around carrying bomb over head*


Lance: I wasn't gonna do that! *drops bomb and accidentally kicks it*

Pidge: Wait. You could kick bombs, too?

Lance: Apparently.

Pidge: ...Kick it over the edge of the bridge

Lance: Ok

Pidge: That sucked

Lance: SHUT UP!

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