Chapter 15: Siblings matter.

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Liza's POV:

16 May, Friday,2014.

"Thank you James," I say and get out of the car.

"You're welcome Elizabeth," He says and drives off. I turn around trying to find Gabbie but she's nowhere to be seen. The entrance is also pretty empty, you can see some people being dropped off.

"Weird," I mumble to myself and enter the school. I look around and it's pretty quiet and not many people are there. I hear some people screaming near the school gym(b). As I start walking towards the gyms I hear the screams getting louder and louder.

I open the doors and I see a lot of people crowded around 2 people.

Who the hell is having a fight?

I try to get through the crowd, which went rather quickly people were staring at me. And I finally got through it and I saw David and Todd?

Todd is pinned to the wall by David. David whispers something in Todd's ear. And some people around him heard it their eyes widen. I stare at David in confusion on what the hell he actually was doing.

Toddy notices me staring and he points to me, David turns around and his eyes focus on me, he lets go of Todd.

He quickly walks towards me and I start to back off. He sees my face and slows down with his walking.

"You okay?" He asks me with a smile like nothing happened.

"Yeah, I am fine," I manage to say. The people around us slowly walked away to their classes.

"You sure," He asks.

"David... Why did you do that to Todd?" He scratches the back of his head nervously.

"Ehm... He said somethings I didn't like," He says.

"What he'd say?" I ask but the bell rings.

"Gotta go," He says and grabs his bag from the ground. And runs away quickly.

Since when did David care about getting on time in class?


3 period.

"LIZAAAAA," Carly yells at me.

"What?" I say and roll my eyes.

"Stop scrolling trough Instagram the whole time," She waves her hand in front of me and I slap her hand away.

"Ouch," She says and caresses her hand.

"Sorry,"I mumble and she laughs it off.

I scroll through and I find a picture of David kissing someone.

"Fuckboy," I mumble to myself and scroll through my timeline after some time the bell rings. And I get up. and walk to my next class.

"Hey, Liza are you okay?" A girl voice I don't recognize says.

"I am fine," I mumble and walk through.

"Are you sure," The person stops me and I look up at her.


She was the girl that David was kissing on Instagram.

"Because you weren't talking to anyone at lunch and I thought..." She says but gets interrupted by David running up behind her and kissing her on the cheek.

David looks at me and his eyes widen. I stared at him and turned around and walked into my class.

"Miss Koshy you're late," The teacher yells at me.

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