before you read

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Hello! Aleselori here, also known as this story's author. As I began writing this story I noticed I needed to warn you guys about a few things, or more like 1 thing? Lmao.

- Annoying comments.

I've seen comments and people direct messaging me saying, "No I don't act like that", or "That's not me at all". Okay, I get that this story might say some things that aren't true about you, but for the sake of this fanfic


I can not tell you how annoyed I am getting by seeing things like these. It's a fanfic. A fanfic for crying out loud. It's not like it's actually you irl.

- Change of POVs.

YES! THERE WILL BE A LOT OF CHANGE OF POVS FROM THE READER (YOU). Like for example, sometimes I'll start the chapter with "you" meaning I'll be starting off with second POV without mentioning that I am.

But along the chapter I might change POVs to "she" meaning I'll change to third person POV. I WILL MENTION WHEN I WILL CHANGE POVS TO THAT THOUGH! So don't worry!

I'll also use first person POV so yeahhh. Also keep in mind that this is a Gold x Fem! Reader so if you're a guy/boy I'm sorry! It's difficult for me to write in a guy's POV.

That's all I wanted to warn you guys about! If you're a new reader to this story please proceed to reading the first chapter. This was just a warning page.

Have a great day/afternoon/night!

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