2. An Offer

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At last, it was my final class of the day, biology. What a joyous thing! I never walk to classes with glee or any form of excitement, but I was a bit more bouncy in my step then. I had something to look forward too. I absolutely adored bio. It's just something that never failed to fascinate me. All these strange things about nature and their inner workings.

I took a seat at the front of the class, avoiding the crowd in the back like burning fire. Although I do prefer the course outline of the grade 11 level, I do not particularly enjoy being in a class room full of grade 11's. They always look at me with contempt for being in one of their classes, and I am isolated right off the bat. Maybe I forgot about this feeling because of how Carter made my last history class feel, but it is extremely unpleasant. Maybe I should have been less upbeat about this course? I can just sense how awkward I am to this room. It really sucks.

I just turn my head away and ignore the stares, getting my scribblers and pencils out. I'm not under the class's excruciating eyes for very long though, because in walks Reed Paxton. Now, there are a few things to note when Reed Paxton enters a room. The whole crowd doesn't act like they do in novels or movies where they gawk and make goggly eyes at him, but they do look at him. Their eyes instinctually try to meet his, and they can't help but stare. He has a strong presence, one that can't be snubbed. His walk is so natural and predatory, he's full of pride in his posture and he doesn't lack any airs of confidence in movement. He doesn't wink or flirt with any girl he passes, just remains focused on what's ahead with his chin held high. He doesn't do anything obvious to win over the crowd, and yet he already owns their admiration and affection. Smirking with victory as he captures their hearts with no real effort.

The conviction within me can't help but want to scoff at him, and envy him at the same time. I gazed over at his sharp jaw line, enthralled with his beautiful velvety black hair that's messily styled. I analyzed his lips that were usually twisted into a sly grin, offering a mischievous and vindictive undertone to his charm. His eyes glinted in the light, bringing out their cold silvery grey colour. His lean and muscular figure stood in such a relaxed yet powerful way, it was remarkable. There was always something about Reed that made him seem like a man of purpose to everyone else, but for some reason, he acted more like a trickster with a vendetta to me. He was motivated for revenge. But on who or what, I wasn't quite sure.

I was about to look away from him, and advert my eyes back to the white board, but he suddenly stared over at me. I felt a chill run down my spine as we made eye contact. What was he gazing at over here for? There was nothing but me sitting over here. I watched as his lips parted for a moment to ruin his smile, but it was only for a moment. He reverted back to normal quicker than it happened and tore his gaze away from mine. I felt a curious tingle in my toes, as I itched to know just what that was about. However, there was no hope in asking. I wouldn't dare associate with someone of his 'rank'. I knew my place.

I began to feel calm as I dodged being in the spotlight, but that didn't last long. Because some walking stop light and spunky red headed girl decide to sit behind me. I would have turned back to glare at him, but I couldn't risk making a fuss. So instead I just cussed out Reed in my mind, and I mentally rolled my eyes at his friend who would prove to be quite the chatterbox.

"I missed you, I didn't have a class with you at all last semester." The girl said energetically, beyond glad to be seated next to Reed. I wished she wouldn't talk so loudly. It's almost as if she was bragging about where she got to sit to the whole class.

"Oh, you missed me?" He teased, his voice shocking me. I had heard about Reed and seen him in the halls, but never once had I listened to his voice until now. Well, it was clear why every girl seemed to linger on to every single one of the words he spoke. It wasn't incredibly deep or husky, but he had a voice that flowed so perfectly, one that was naturally articulate and persuasive. He sounded like he knew how to utilize his voice to get what he wanted from anyone, just as a conman would. Well, I could understand now why that girl desired to keep him talking.

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