3. If I Can Be Convinced

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Grudgingly, I followed him to the student parking lot. As I walked behind him, people stared at me with questioning and resentful eyes. This was certainly a very peculiar situation, so I didn't blame them for being curious. I, as well, wondered exactly what was going on here. The whole day was taking on a very odd and confusing tone. But, it's not like I was discouraging the strangeness either, I had unfortunately consented to this weird offer of a car ride.

"There, that piece of junk." He pointed at a very obviously used old black car. I wasn't good with car models, but I recognized from the symbol on front that it was a Chevrolet something. It wasn't exactly a nice car, but considering I couldn't drive nor did I own a car myself, I reserved my judgements.

"It's a lot more plain than I would have imagined, for someone like you. It's nice though." I told him, not sure what to say. He grinned at my words.

"You're trying too hard to be nice. It's a shit car. But, it's what I could afford with the salary of a convenience store cashier." He replied casually, not ashamed by any means. I almost felt a smile creeping on to my lips with that humane answer, but I refused to let it show.

"Sorry, you're right. It's a shit car." I responded bluntly. He chuckled at me, shaking his head.

"Just get in the car." He ordered, hopping into the driver's seat. I obeyed, entering the car hesitantly. It smelt like pine forests, probably due to the little scented car freshener tree dangling off the mirror. Reed threw all his school books in the back seat, while I kept mine comfortably seated in my lap. On the radio, an old rock and roll song I didn't recognize played faintly. We both remained quiet until we were out of the parking lot and onto the main roads.

"So, care to explain why I'm here?" I decided to ask after awhile. He didn't take his eyes off the road to acknowledge me, but he knew what I said.

"You already know that. I'm going to convince you that I have a great plan." He replied simply, tapping his fingers along to the music on the steering wheel. His laid back attitude did little to persuade me that he was right. Disinterested, I looked out the window, watching the houses speed me by.

"A great plan? What does this 'great plan' entail?" I asked resolutely, already determined to refuse his offer.

"No need to get snappy, it is actually quite genius." He assured me, taking a turn onto a dirt road I was unfamiliar with. Noticing this, I turned to face him with a worried expression.

"Where are we going?" I asked, trying to hide the nervous falter in my voice. However, Reed was a lot more keen eyed than I thought and picked up on my tremble in an instant. Surprisingly enough, his eyes softened to disperse my panic, appearing just that bit more friendlier.

"Don't be afraid, I'm just taking the long way home. You're a stubborn kid, so I'll need a bit more time to tell you my spiel." He told me honestly, almost as if my frightened tone concerned him. My curiosity was piqued by his behaviour, but it never lasted long enough for me to analyze. He switched back to his snarky self as soon as possible.

"Alright, then you better start explaining, or else you'll run out of time." I responded, becoming a bit more absorbed in the scheme. At this point, I just wanted to know what it was.

"Fair enough, just don't freak out when I tell you. You're not going to like it." He said evasively. With the little warning I couldn't help but be even more enveloped by the mystery. What was he getting at?

"Then why do you think I'll agree?"

"Because it'll work."

"Then tell me."

He let out a soft sigh, aware that my reaction wouldn't be pleasant no matter what he said to prepare me. He glanced at me from the corner of his eyes, analyzing my still and uncomfortable position. Everything about my behaviour probably screamed the word 'closed'.

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