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Hello, everyone!!! This is my first published story I have written and I really want to make sure all the chapters make sense and are compelling to you all. I do plan to finish this story and not abandon it because I have an ending already in mind and all I need to think of is how to get it to work. I hope you all enjoy this story and comment down theories and ideas you have for the story and what not. Have a great day and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Duces!  

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Description and a small chunk of what to expect in the future chapters -  

   "Are you sure?" 

   I can tell she is worried by the way her voice shakes, and I can almost picture her eyebrows creasing closer to one another while her eyes burn into the side of my face, yet I don't face her to prove myself correct. 

   "I am positive," I stated clearly, staring deep ahead of us as the cheers roar louder for my name, "no one messes with me or my girl, ever." And with one final breath, my whole being get filled with anger, rage, and energy as I step up towards the arena.

   I look down at the dust covered with blood where a shattered glass bottle lay, and I take note the red wisp in my eyes. What I didn't realize as I step out into the arena with the lights facing down at me, was the baby blue specks in my eyes as well as Jessica whispering out words I couldn't decipher throughout my walk to my stand. 

Here is a small description of the main characters

Leon - Gifted Mage

Height - 5''8 

 Long dark brunette hair (with a fringe) that reaches his shoulder and is usually put into a small ponytail so he can feel the breeze on his neck.

 Light skin but isn't considered a pale "ghost". 

Canadian and Irish. 

Freckles on his nose and cheekbones as well as his shoulder. 

A deep and low voice that honestly might scare children if he's in the dark. 

His body type changes from lean to skinny to well built a few times from different situations throughout the story. 

Vibrant green emerald eyes with specks of yellow within them. 

Smooth jaw line and rarely smiles but he has small noticeable dimples. 

Scar on neck, arms, legs, and chest from animals.

Usually, attire throughout the story is a big hooded jacket, faded jeans and/or sweats, a beanie, and plain fades blue converse that he outgrows. During summer he is seen wearing a tank-top and flannel with the sleeves pulled up and some teared up jeans. 

Was told to be bipolar and to have BPD, but was not sure really.

Jessica-   Stereotypical artsy girl.

Height - 5''3

 Long Wavy Brunette hair that reaches her mid-back and below her chest. Her hair is usually down with her bangs covering a side of her face and at times in a high ponytail or bun if she's lazy to brush her hair. 

Very tan with light tan lines on her arms ankle and thighs  //Filipino//

Birthmark on left thigh and light freckles on nose, cheeks, fingers, chest, and arm. (A somewhat spotty girl) 

Low and smooth voice with a slight accent from speaking Tagalog but while get snarky and sarcastic and that can be shown. 

In the beginning, she is malnourished and petite but later on, she becomes fit and curvy but becomes self-conscious as she grows.

 She has dark brown eyes that some say feels like you're falling into a peaceful abyss when you look directly at them, though she tends to get flustered if stared at for more than a second.

 Has faded cuts on wrist and stomach from when she was younger.

 She is seen usually wearing a large plain sweater, dark skinny jeans, a fox tail to her side, and red high top converse. During the summer she is seen wearing graphic tees with a loose, thin, large jacket and skinny jeans. 

Was diagnosed depression, anxiety, and ADHD but never took medication until she was an adult.

I believe that is it for the main characters and there is a lot more to them both but I wanted to start the first chapter with one of their backstories. But yeah, if any of you can make a cover or help design a cover I will very much appreciate it!!! Until next time see you in the next chapter and please support this story!!!

Word count - 801

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