Chp. 2 - This can't be true

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    "NO!! She ca-can't leave!! Mom, come out, this is not funny anymore!!! Please, this isn't funny!!! Come out, stop playing!! Please!!! I don't know how to take care of myself!!! Why!! What did I do to deserve!! It's not fair...I can't care for myself and Tyler..."






   I know, sad huh? Well, I don't know what to say but that's what happened. Oh- no please don't cry. I don't want to make you sad but I couldn't keep it from you. What? What happened? Well, it's a long story really before you were here. Uh well how do I make this short and easy for you, well dad, my dad, he was in the army, a soldier from what mom told me. He passed when I was 2. He was a great man, I think, I just know it affected mom like shit, uh I mean like poop because poop is very effective on you if you keep it in and uhh oh sorry, um yeah, he was a good dad.

   His name was Edward Linestone. He was in his late 30's or something when he passed. He was ranked E-4 Corporal, Cpl. I honestly don't know what that means, it says on his dog tag so I guess it's good.

   Huh, oh I have the tag, well I found it but I mean, mom was about to throw it away! So, I took it when she wasn't looking. I think she forgot all about it but that's good, her therapist, counselor, person, that she visits says it's good to move on and to let go of the past, but enough of that.

   Huh, I guess you don't know much about mom actually huh. Well, let me tell you she is a very beautiful woman. So are you let me tell you that, but yeah. Her name is Victoria Rodriguiz and when I mean beautiful, I mean it. 

   She has beautiful long hazel hair that falls in waves, a perfect curvy model body, I look up to her. I think she's 5''6, pretty tall for a woman but it goes perfectly with her personality. 

   She's so bubbly, loud, and calm and generous. Hey, did you know mom's family is rich! Yeah, that's the kicker that gets every guy we see at the parks attracted to her. 

   Mom says I'm a small version of her, but I don't see it. I mean she has bright hazel yellowish eyes, while I have dark brown poopy eyes, and she has such flawless skin, and I just, look!! Acne is everywhere and this but she is the you can't see her anymore.

   Uh I seem to be getting off topic, I told you this is a long story...well I mean I don't have school this week and there's no homework, ok.

   I guess we have time so I'll tell you ok?

September 24th, 1997

   "Honey, uhm I have some upsetting news and I really hope you understand ok?"

   I look up at her, what is she talking about? I want to play with my new giraffe stuffy she got at the toy store with me!! I can hear it calling my name like c'mon mom hurry it needs me!!

   I pouted at her but let out a high pitch response


   "Well remember I told you you will get to meet daddy soon for your second birthday, and that he wasn't, there right?" 

   She sounds so scared and sad? Why, yeah daddy wasn't at my princess and prince party but its ok, as long as I see daddy this soon then it's okay!! But why is mommy so sad, and know that by looking her in the eye, she has very red eyes and underneath her eyes are a kind of purple look on it, but it could be the paint mommy puts on her face but it looks weird and I didn't know there was makeup paint for your eyeballs!!!

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