In The Rift Between Moments

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The clouds that dappled the sky were now fading into night, and quite frankly, Link was ready for it. He had more social interaction today than he has had in his previous one hundred and seventeen years! Zelda was far from it, however. Seeing her happily huddled around with the village children telling stories kept him awake.

She then pointed the circle of children in his direction. Her lips were moving, but he couldn't hear what she was saying. All of a sudden, a small army was tugging on his tunic.

"Master Liiiiink! Princess said you could tell us another story!"
"Yeah! I want to hear the one about Urbosa!!"
The kids cried in unison, "Who?"
"You know, a champion from Gerudo?"
The kids still furrowed their eyebrows at the other child's answer in confusion.

Link heaved a sigh, glancing at Zelda with a look of "you owe me." Zelda smirked back and mouthed, "Sorry!"
"No, you're not," He mouthed back, returning Zelda's grin.

"Pleeeeeeease Master Link!"

"Oh, alright! Gather around and I'll tell you a story-" Link whispered to cater to the ominous mood as the boys and girls leaned into the circle.

"What's the story about?!"

"We're getting to that," Link replied, keeping his patience.

And so Link told them...he told them about what little he had remembered about the Champions and their bravery. When he began talking about Urbosa, Zelda crept into the circle, a wane smile on her lips. She shut her eyes, letting the night wind billow her hair. Link realized this, and lost in gazing at her, started to stutter and lose his place in the story. He was thankful that the fire was behind him, so it was difficult to see the rouge on his cheeks.

She really is beautiful...

"Oh, where was I?" He said softly.

Koko, a village girl, looked behind her at the former princess and back to Link, her eyes squinted before asking loudly, "Master Link, do you like Zelda?!"

He was sure they all could see the rouge on his face now as the chants of children filled his ears.

Link thinks Zelda's pretty, Link thinks Zelda's pretty...

"No." Link says softly, "I mean-well she is-but."

He stands up placing his hand behind his neck. The adults smile with raised eyebrows at the scene. Paya, however, cradles her face in her hands, shaking her head.

Zelda's large eyes widen as she is startled by the little army grabbing her hand. She bites the insides of her cheeks; there are no hints of blush on her face.

She absorbed the chanting, the sight of Link softly trying to quiet all of the kids, and the villagers. She watched the horses whinny and paw at the grass. It seemed all in slow motion to her, and, as chaotic as it all seemed to be, she could not imagine a better moment. Zelda had been starving for a moment like this for over a century, and now, in the most unlikely of places, it was now before her.

Zelda stood up and dusted herself off, taking the child's hand who was now pulling her towards Link. Her posture was tall. His was slouched in humiliation. Her smile was faint. His was crooked. How perfect they would be. And yet, in the rift between moments, her head snapped back to Paya whose eyes were now turned to glass and were foggy with tears that had not yet begun to fall. Zelda's feet shuffled to a standstill. And yet, in the rift between moments Link finally accepted that he was deeply in love with her.

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