Ch.2 A Date?!

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

I woke up from what I thought was a short Nap, only to look out my window and see its Pitch Black outside. I signed and crawled out of bed stretching. I put my Sweat Shirt on and walked to the Kitchen leaving Garlian a note: 'Went for a small walk'. I got into the Elevator and went to the Main floor, quickly walking out the door trying not to be noticed. I walked outside and walked down the street.

I made my way to the Park and sat down on a Bench. I heard footsteps on the Sidewalk and looked up, not to far away I saw...Carlo?. He had a green hoodie and headphones on. He looked at me and Waved smiling sweetly, my face heated up looking at his Adorable smile. He sat down by me and took his headphones off. "What's up?" He asked. "oh, nothing. Just trying to find some Peace and Quiet" I answered sweetly.

~Carlo's POV~

(Y/N)'s beautiful voice rang threw my ears and I swear my heart skipped a beat. She is absolutely gorgeous, her pretty (H/C) hair. Her adorable (E/C) eyes. But I have never actually seen her Smile, she always wears her Scarf over her Lips. "Um, can I ask you a question?" I said. She nodded, "Why do you wear that Scarf?" I asked. She sighed and touched the Scarf, "It was a gift from my Dad before he left.." She answered looking down. "Oh, I'm sorry for asking". " Oh No! Its fine!" She told me. I reached over and Unwrapped the scarf from her Lips, and wrapped it around her neck instead. She looked at me curiously, that's when I noticed a Scar that ran from the right side of her Upper lip to the Left side of her Lower Lip. I grabbed her chin and moved closer to her. She was a blushing Mess, I blushed and kissed her Cheek.
((They can't kiss just yet))

~(Y/N)'s POV~

My heart skipped a beat as Carlo kissed my cheek. He stood up and smiled, "We should have Dinner Tomorrow, after school" he offered. "I'd like that" I answered still blushing.. "Great than its a date" he winked at me and walked away. "A date..." I whispered to myself blushing...

                TO BE CONTINUED...


Author~chan is sorry for the cliff hanger! But I had no idea for chapter 3 so that's what it'll be! Again, Author~Chan is so sorry Reader~Senpai's  😖😖😖😖

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