ch. 4 Were am I?

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~Garlians POV~

I ran outside and sprinted to Carlo's house with Ashley behind me. I began to bang on the door till it opened, a very Tired Carlo opened the door. I growled and grabbed the Color of his shirt "Were. Is. She?!" I asked. "U-upstairs! A-asleep in m-my room! ' he answered shakily. I let go of him and ran upstairs, I walked into his room and saw (Y/N) fast asleep, on his bed. I swear to go if he did anything while she was asleep!. Slowly I walked back out of the room and downstairs, Carlo was laying on the couch with a Blanket and Pillow. "You kissed my sister?!" I yelled. "Yes! I didn't know she would faint!" He answered. I growled and walked over to him, he quickly got up and got to the other side of the Couch. "You better start running" I growled.

~Ashley's POV~

Garlian was chasing Carlo around the entire house, I'm surprised (Y/N) hasn't woken up yet. "IM SORRY!" Carlo screamed and continued running. "DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN!" Garlian yelled ND ran faster. I sighed and began playing on my phone.

~Carlos POV~

I ran around the couch till I heard someone yawn,"What r u guys doing?". (Y/N) was standing at the bottom of the stairs with my Blanket wrapped around her. "(Y-Y/N) " me an Garlian said in unison. "Why are you running? And being so loud? And were am I" She asked as she yawned again. "Your at my house cause you fainted" I explained. A blush spread across her face. "W-we were just playing tag" Garlian said with a nervous sweat. "Ugh, you were gonna hurt him? C'mon Garlian. I'm 16 you have been doing that since we were 12" she sighed.

~(Y/N) 'z POV~

I looked at Garlian disappointed. "Ugh, I'm to tired to deal with you" I sighed. "I'll give you a piggy back ride home" Garlian offered. "Do I have to go home? " I asked. "YES-" "not if you don't wanna" Carlo interrupted Garlian. I blinked, turned around, and walked back to Carlos room. I laid on the bed and fell back asleep.

~Ashley's POV~

I laughed looking at Garlian's stunned face, and at Carlos smirk. "Welp, I'm heading home. You should too Garlian" I said turning towards the door. Garlian followed still shocked, we each waved goodbye and went our separate ways.


Author~chan has been super duper busy with my Ducks and Chicken lately! Sorry I didn't update earkierb

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