Ch. 11 Weird Dreams

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

I was sitting on a lawn chair in the back yard of a Normal sized house. I had on a (F/C) T-Shirt on and shorts with a Magizine in my hands. I looked around and Saw kids. There was two little girls on swings and Carlo was pushing them. One had beautiful long blonde hair and a light blue summer dress on and she had on a White scarf. The othee had short (H/C) hair and was wearing Jean Shorts, a Green shirt with a green hat like Carlo's and his little elf ears. They looked around the same age. "Oh C'mon Chris! You gotta run faster to catch her!!". I looked to my Left to see Charity laughing, she had on Sunglasses, a Teal tank top and black shorts. I looked over at Chris, he was chasing a small girl with Brown hair that had streaks of different color in her hair. She was holding Chris's scarf and running from him, he was chasing her laughing. Then to my Right Ashley was watching Garlian try and get a little boy down from a tree. The boy was laughing and dangling his feet, he had Dark Brown hair and a Purple shirt with Black basket ball shorts. "Garlian! Reach higher" Ashley laughed. Charity and Ashley both got up, I unwillingly followed as we all walked inside. We were suddenly in a Kitchen, "Ok, so If I remember correctly. Christie likes PB and J, (K/N) likes Turkey with Mustard, and Linka likes Ballogne?" Ashley asked. Me and Charity nodded as we started making Sandwitches. I held two Plates, Ashley and Charity each held one, we walked back outside and put the plates on a Picnic table in the Yard. "Kids! Lunch time!" I yelled. All the kids came running to the Table, the little girl sat at the plate Charity put down. 'That must be Christie' I told myself. The girl with Blonde hair that Carlo pushed sat at one of the plates I put down and so did the one with Brown hair and elf ears. 'That has to be (K/N) and Linka' then the little boy sat at the plate Ashley set down, "Remember your manner Robbin". 'And thats Robbin I guess'. Carlo walked over to me and kissed me as though it was Casuel. "Ew dad! Thats Gross!" Linka yelled. Carlo laughed, "It's gross now but It won't be when your older". "But Boys Have Cooties dad!" (K/N) added. "Be quite and eat Lunch" I laughed. They went back to eating, Carlo kissed me again smiling. "MOMMY AND DADDY SITTING IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!" Linka and (K/N) sang. I put my hands on my hips, "Seems like two little girls don't want Desert". "What?! No! Mama we're sorry!" They said in unison. "Haha! You dorks get no desert!" Christie laughed. "Oh Yeah? Well looks like you don't get any Lunch Idiot" Linka replied and grabbed Christie's sandwich quickly running away with it. "MY FOOD!" Christie yelled and chasrd after her. "Should we stop them?" Carlo asked. But Charity was alreadu recording, "Are you kidding me this is Comedy Gold". Charity tackled Linka causing her to drop the Sandwic. "FIVE SECOND RULE!" Christie yelled and took a bite. Chris and Charity looked at each other "Thats YOUR daughter" they said in unison. "Lets be Honest, she's a Mixture of both you Idiots" Garlian laughed. "You did not just call ME an idiot, did you?!" Charity smirked and punched Him in the gut. Garlian fell to the ground, "DADDY! ARE YOU OK?!" Robbin yelled and ran over. He placed his head on Garlian's palm. "NO PULSE!" he screamed. All the kids rannover, Robbin was yanking on his arm. Christie was lightly smacking his face, Linka was eating her Sandwich watching them And (K/N) was standing by Linka kicking his foot. Garlian was pretending to be Dead, "Garlian your scaring them!". Garlian laughed and sat up, "ZOMBIE!" Robbin shrieked and ran. All the girls screamed and followed Robbin, everyone laughed as the kids helped each other up the tree and sat there. "They are so cute while they are Six! I don't want them to get older" Carlo whinned. "Ha! I have another Year on you Robbin's only Five" Garlian smiled. "Christies Seven! Ya'll are lucky" Charity sighed. "To Many years have passed" Chris added. "I want them to stay small forever" Ashley nearly yelled. I just looked at them, "Well our Parents didn't want us to Grow Up, but here we are with these little kids and us wanting OUR kids not to grow".


I stood next to Chris, Ashley, Garlian, (Y/N) and Carlo looking at Five kids. There was Two Sixteen year old girls, one Seventeen year old girl and a Fifteen year old Boy. One of the Sixteen year olds had her Long blonde tied into a tight pony tail and wore her Uniform with shorts instead of a skirt. The other had her (H/C) hair tucked into a Green Elf hat like Carlo's with the Boys uniform on. The seventeen year old looked like me, with short curly light brown hair that had strips of color in it, and she wore the Bow of her Uniform on her Wrist. Then the boy had Dark brown hair and a Purple scarf like Garlian's, he wore the uniform with the Tie sloppily tied around his Collar. The Seventeen year old walked up and hugged me and Chris giving each of us a kiss on the Cheek. "Bye Mom! Bye Dad see you after school" she smiled and began to walk off. The sixteen yearolds hugged Carlo and (Y/N) then quickly ran after the other Girl. The By was trying to get away form Ashley's death grip. "MOM! Let me go!" He yelled. Ashley let go of him and he ran after all ghe girls, "They grow Up to fast" Ashley cried.


           TO BE CONTINUED...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2017 ⏰

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