Prompt 3

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WP: Write a horror story about catching a serial killer,  but the protagonist loves the thrill of the hunt.

"Well here we are," the Overdose killer crooned at me across the room as he stood above his next victim with the syringe.

"Indeed, here we are," I replied with my gun pointed at him, "What is it this time, Alexander? Alcohol? Painkillers?"

"Oh it is alcohol, good detective. I have to say that I am rather impressed with your response time to this kidnapping. How did you find me so quickly?" He asked, hoping for a monologue or maybe a speech to buy him a bit more time to think, but what he heard next was not what he wanted to hear.

"Oh, I had your identity and location figured out for a week now," I said with a grin.

"You.... Wha-" He managed as he loosened his grip on the syringe.

"Oh, yes, I was so... enveloped... no consumed by this case that I worked it non stop. I came across an old elementary school teacher who remembers your behavior quite well and from there it was only a matter of finding your assets," I gloated, very proud of my work.

"Wuh... Whuh...-" He managed to stutter before his victim cut him off.

"Then why did you wait so God Damn Long?!?"

"Why?" I asked, "Why?"

"Yes, why?" Alexander confirmed.

"Because it did not seem like the fitting end to our chase. There was no spice, no emergency, no...." I paused, shuddering, "...Rush."

"So what now?" Alexander asked.

"Now I take you in, you are going down for your crimes," I responded, clenching my gun tighter as I looked down the sight, "But can we make this quick, there is a triple homicide across town that is supposedly the work of a new up and coming serial killer and I don't want to miss out on a moment of it."

"What?!?" Alexander yelled, "A new killer? No! You don't get to focus on anyone else, not when I have the kill count that I do!"

"Alexander," I scolded, "You knew what this was. It was a good chase. Honestly, I had fun, but it is time for it to be over, for us to move on. Preferably me to another, more interesting case and you to a cell."

"More interesting?!" he yelled, gripping his hand tightly around the syringe and raising it up to stab it into his victim laying in panic on the table, "I'll show you interesting!"

BANG! My gun sounded as I put one in his chest causing him to stagger back. As he fell backwards onto the ground, he looked down at his chest where blood was starting to swell from. "How's that for interesting?" he said and with that he took the syringe and injected it into his own jugular.

I walked over, surveying the room as I went, making sure that there weren't any booby traps, but hoping that there were. As I got the the table with the victim, and started to cut her loose I looked over at the now dead Overdose Killer. "Looks like the Overdose killer won't be going to rehab for His drug problem," I said as I took my sunglasses off and holster my weapon.

"You have a serious f***ing problem," the victim said as she stood up.

"Yeah, that's what my ex-wife says," I responded, "Now let's get you back to the station so that you can answer some questions and I can get to a triple homicide."

Note: Video unrelated but as long as we are talking about serial killers...

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