Christmas Day

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This was crazy.


Ten minutes spent together at the mall, a phone call, and a handful of texts later, you stood outside a modest but beautiful home just outside the city. Strands of red, white, and green lights adorned the eaves, a wreath made of pine boughs hanging on the front door. Warm light spilled from the windows and onto the snowy lawn, occasionally blocked by shadowy profiles of people mingling inside. Everything about this house was inviting, and yet your feet remained firmly planted on the sidewalk.


It had taken you over 24 hours before gathering the courage to call. Natasha had threatened to call for you if you hadn't. After dialing, you fingered the business card that you had been handling so often the corners began to curl. The phone rang once....twice...a third time, before he answered.

"This is Rogers," he answered, a professional tone in his voice.

The words caught in your throat, a small squeak alone escaped your lips.


"H-hi. Steve. It''s Y/N," you stammered, kicking yourself for being so awkward.

"Y/N!" the warmth you remembered returned, making you grin. "I'm so glad you called. Give me just one moment."


You could hear him mumbling something about taking the call outside, having not covered the mouthpiece of his phone fully.

A few more seconds of rustling sounds and his voice returned.

"Hi. I'm really glad you called. Wait, I said that already, didn't I?" he chuckled.

You echoed with a laugh, "Yes, you did. I'm glad I called, too."

He cleared his throat, "So. Is this a yes? Are you coming to dinner?"

"As long as I'm not imposing..."

"Never! You're more than welcome. And I was kidding, we have plenty of food, don't worry."

You grinned, "Well, that's good to hear. Can I bring anything?"

"Just yourself is enough. I'll text you the details."

"Sounds great."

Muffled voices were heard in the background and then someone hollered Steve's name, "Yeah, I'll be right there!" he yelled back with his mouth away from the receiver. "I'm so sorry, I better go."

"Oh, no problem, I understand," you assured him.

"Okay. Well...I'll see you soon, then."

"See you soon. Bye," ending the call, a stupid grin adorned your face, something you now associated with Steve Rogers. Extended time in his presence just might make your face sore.


You spent Christmas morning with your roommates whom had stayed in town, opening simple and silly gifts from each other. They all ventured off to see family and friends in the afternoon, leaving you to enjoy the peace and quiet of the empty apartment. You took a long, leisurely bath while music played before getting ready for dinner. Picking out your outfit carefully, you hoped to make a good second (and first) impression. Dressed with hair carefully styled and coat on, you headed out the door with a smile on your face.

Now, as you stood on the sidewalk mere feet from his front door, you hesitated. What were you getting yourself into? Your Uber had left 5 minutes ago and the cold was starting to seep in, the bag held tightly in your hand causing it to cramp. It was time to muster your courage or slink away like a coward. Squaring your shoulders, you marched up the 3 steps to the porch and knocked on the wooden door before you could stop yourself.

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