Valentine's Day

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January passed in the blink of an eye. After the New year, you finally heard from some of the employers you had sent your CV to back in December. Some jobs you wanted more than others, but you accepted each interview offer, met with them, and weighed your options. By the end of the first week, you stumbled upon an incredible opportunity that, fingers crossed, would become a huge step toward your dream job. After two days of nail biting and clutching your phone obsessively, you got the call and it was a yes.

To your surprise and humility, you had snagged one of the most sought-after positions at the Brazilian Consulate in New York City. It was an entry-level job working to process Visas and Passport requests at first, but you quickly became indispensable and as January came to a close, you were the assistant to the Consulate General of Brazil. It was new and exciting and overwhelming at times, but you were learning so much and incredibly grateful to have your foot in the door.

This new job did have its drawbacks. Much of your time was spent at work and afterwards you were exhausted, not giving you much of a social life. Steve was on your mind often and you spoke with him or texted almost daily. Getting together in person was harder, but you both made it work. He came into the city when he could, but mostly you would spend time at his place with Justice until bedtime and then it was just the two of you.

Your mutual attraction was evident, but given the unique circumstances, you both thought it best to take things slow. During the week there were short coffee dates and movie nights, on occasion resulting in you falling asleep in his arms. As the credits rolled, he would gently nudge you awake and press a kiss to your lips, urging you to call a cab to take you back to the city for work in the morning. There was always that lingering moment at the door where you could sense that he wanted you to stay, but it just wasn't time yet.

Steve sometimes worked Saturdays and often Justice had T-ball or dance lessons. For a 4-year-old, she had a pretty full schedule. Sundays, however, became your favorite days. Determined not to make you do all the work, Steve was adamant to travel to the city once a week to see you. Sundays for the three of you contained trips to museums and new brunch spots, walks through the park as you and Steve strolled hand in hand, and easy conversation while keeping an eye on a spunky little girl you had come to adore.

In early February, you were in a meeting at work when a buzz of your phone showed Steve's handsome, bearded face on the screen. Puzzled, you excused yourself and stepped out into the hall, swiping to answer. Steve never called you while you were working and vice versa, text being your preferred form of communication throughout the day. This must be important, you thought with a twinge in your stomach.

"Steve? Is everything okay?" you asked after accepting the call.

"Y/N!! Thank heavens you answered! I'm so sorry to interrupt you at work but I didn't know who else to call. Laura is out of town with the kids and Clint is swamped, Bucky's with me 2 hours away, Wanda is out sick and I just, I don't know..."

"Steve. STEVE," you interrupted his hurried speech and spoke calmly. "Take a deep breath. Tell me what's happening."

You heard him inhale and exhale, following your advice before speaking. "Justice fell off the playground at her preschool and it's possible that her arm is broken. One of the teachers is taking her to the emergency room, but they want me to meet them there and I'm 2 hours away checking out a possible job site with Bucky. I know it's a lot to ask and I'm sorry to put you in this position, but Justice knows you and I trust you with her so is there anyway...." you heard a quiver in his voice.

"Yes," you agreed without a thought. "I'll be there. Which hospital?"

Steve sighed in relief, "You're amazing. Thank you. We're on our way back so I'll be there as soon as I can."

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