Chapter 12

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"Hello, Elizabeth." Someone whispered from beside me and I frowned.

I leaned back from my locker to see it was the cute nerd from Math.

"Hi ..." I trailed nervously, because I didn't know his name.

"Brandon." He smiled nervously and ran his hand through his hair.

So I'm pretty sure you guys must've imagined him as the typical, stereotype nerd with thick glasses and short height with braces and stuff.

But no. He is none of it.

He actually has good height, almost same as Jace's, doesn't wear glasses and has the prettiest green eyes you'll ever see in a boy. His hair is a shade between blondè and brunette. I could never be sure. And he has a perfect set of straight white teeth.

I'm a hundred percent sure Castiel feels a little bit jealous of him. He's cute. I'd definitely make him my friend. And I think, no girl in her sane mind would say no to this fellow. I know I wouldn't.

"How are you?" I asked, not knowing what else to say.

Ariana has gone to the library to return a book, and so I'm hoping he would talk to her when she returns.

"I'm good. What about you?" He asked.

"I'm good too." I smiled at him which he returned nervously.

"Jace told me about your plan." He said.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"Just what I have to do and the reason for it. I didn't know Ariana liked that guy. I remember, everyone was jealous of them when they hung out together." He said, a light tinge on his cheeks.

I wonder why?

"Ahan? So you'll do it?" I asked him.

"I really wanna get to know her. So I would do it." He replied.

"That's good." Then something caught my attention. "She's here." I said, smiled and turned around.

"Stupid librarian. Brandon? Hi." Ariana greeted him as soon as she noticed him.

"Hi." He replied.

"What did the librarian do?" I closed my locker and turned around.

"She said she won't take the book this early in the​ morning and that I should come in break. Like seriously?" She rolled her eyes.

"She's a little crazy." Brandon said.

Good. He's participating.

"I agree!" She shook her head.

"I mean, she wants everything her way. I remember I had to return a book and she said she'll call and that I should go. And she called me during science. And I was new, so I didn't know with a little persistence she would've agreed." He said his story and we laughed.

"What an interesting human." I shook my head.

"Poor you." Ariana shook her head, grinning as she patted his arm.

My eyes immediately scanned the hallway to see Jace looking straight at me and Castiel was nowhere in sight. Valentino and Alec were with him.

"Good morning. Can you move aside please?" I heard Landon.

I know it was him since I'm still standing at my locker and no one else would ask me to move.

"Sorry. Sure." I moved to the next locker and saw Brandon and Ariana talking.

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