Chapter VIII

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James woke up with an insistent buzzing on the bedside table.  James sat up and looked at the peacefully sleeping Devon. They have been at home for a few days already and the good news is that no accidents have happened in the past few days.  Devon insisted on going back to work, but James worry about her health. 

Dr. Alvarez backed Devon the last time they talked with the doctor.

“As long as it she keeps it easy and slow, she’ll be okay,”  Dr. Alvarez advised.  “No overworking and stress.”

James was still reluctant at the idea and Devon understood about his worries.

“Why don’t we meet halfway,” Devon proposed. “I’ll just take half of my teaching load. I will talk to my dean to reassign half of the subjects to other professors. Really James, I can’t stay at home the entire day and do nothing.”

James had no choice but to agree. These past few days, everything seems to be normal, except for the medicine schedule plastered on their refrigerator door, reminding them that things are not really normal.

James rubbed his eyes and looked at the alarm clock.  It was already seven o’clock in the morning, James bolted up and realized it was Saturday.  Definitely an excuse to sleeping late. James looked for the source of the buzzing sound, it was his cellphone vibrating.  It was Aleli calling. Devon stirred on the bed, with her breathing slow and peaceful. 

James answered the phone, “What?”

“Good morning, honey,” Aleli sweetly greeted.  “I’m going jogging today. Want to come?”

James looked at Devon who was still sleeping. “No,” James decided.

“Come on,” Aleli persuaded. “You’re all out of shape. Besides it is good for your health. Not just because Devon is sick you’ll do everything to get sick too.”

“Aleli,” James started. “My health is fine.”

“I bet you can’t keep up with me anymore,” Aleli joked. “C’mon James. Sam’s not jogging today, he’s out of town. I have no jogging partner. Besides we haven’t seen each other for ages.”

James went quiet, he has been turning down Aleli so much lately. He felt guilty, after all she is still a friend. “Okay,” James gruffly responded. “Where are you, anyway?”

Aleli gave him instructions and James ended the call. Before leaving he wrote a short note, “out jogging” and figured to leave the Aleli part out of the note.  He kissed sleeping Devon’s forehead and walked out of the bedroom. When the house is already quiet, Devon opened her eyes and stared at the note.


“You came,” Aleli happily greeted and ran towards James, hugging him tight. James pulled out of her embrace.

“Really, Aleli,” James said irritatingly. “It is not as if we haven’t seen each other for more than a year.”

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