chapter one

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eleven years later

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eleven years later

Today was the day of the opening of my fitness center. It took a long five years to obtain my degrees in both kinesiology and business management. It was a very stressful process but it was worth it. I worked day and night and was able to do this without the help of my parents which was something I was extremely proud of. The grand opening was in five hours and I needed to be down there in two hours to get through some things with my management team.

I slipped into the taupe high low dress with matching fluffy heels. My curls were out and popping for once. My 'K' gold necklace rests on my chest as always. I was waiting on Royalty's slow self to hurry up and to believe she had to audacity to rush me. She's the sister I'm most close with because we share a apartment for now and we have the same modeling jobs sometimes. Yes, I model but I prefer something other than having a camera in my face.

"Damn Ro, can you hurry up? Remember we gotta stop by dad's house then Kai's house to meet up with everyone." I remind. She walks out of the bathroom holding her phone in one hand and her hat in the other.

"I'm coming Bri, I was on facetime with Micah." She smiles. Micah was her boyfriend of seven years. They met in her senior year and have been together since. They are the cutest couple.

"Is he coming?" I inquire.

"Of course, he said he wasn't going to miss his sister in law's day."

I smile, "Come on, we've gotta go." I rush. She grabs her keys from coffee table and we exit the apartment. I made sure everything was locked up before walking down to her BMW X3. I got in the passenger seat, running my fingers through my hair softly. My nervous were all over the place. I wonder if all new business owners feel like this when their grand opening comes around?

"You good sis?" Royalty asks as she turns on the AC.

"Yes, I'm just nervous."

"Your grand opening is going to be amazing, trust me. Everything is going to go perfectly." She assures. I just nod, taking a deep breath.


four hours and thirty minutes later

Thirty minutes until it is time for me to open the fitness center to the public. To say I am nervous is an understatement. My dad hasn't even arrived yet which made me a little frustrated. This is the biggest day in both of my careers and he isn't even here. All of my siblings were here; Royalty, Leilani, Alana, Kalia, Christian, and Caleb. Kai'lani's two children were with Cameron's parents in Maine.

"How are you feeling baby girl?" My mom inquires as she rubs her hand up and down the small of my back.

"Nervous, where is dad?" I inquires. Before my mom could say anything, my dad walks in carrying Amelia in her carrier. Him and Kelana were still together and just had a daughter. My dad is thirty six and has a total of eight kids, that was kind of mindblowing. I felt my body rush over in his direction. He gives me a hug and I take Amelia from her carrier.

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