chapter four

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quick author's note: it's been a while, but i've been quite busy. from school to work, i haven't had the time to sit down and give you guys the update you truly deserve. now that school's out, i'll try to give you updates every week.

brielle c. tran

Jahmer had some type of family thing going on today, we decided to train this evening meaning I finally had time to go house hunting with Royalty. We were both looking for houses, so we decided to meet with the realtor. My day has been pretty eventful so far. This was probably the only time I'll be able to not worry about anything. I pulled into the parking lot, parking beside Royalty's car. I got out of my car and walked inside of the building.

"Good afternoon Ms. Tran." Betty, the realtor greeted.

"Good afternoon Betty."

"Are y'all ready to see some houses? I have a great selection for the both of you." She smiled. Royalty gave her a nod and walked out of the building. What's wrong with her? I walked out of the building to Betty's Suburban. I got in the back along with Royalty and looked over at her.

"What's wrong Ro?" I inquired.

"Micah. H-he went to a party and do somethings with some random girl."

"What did he do?"

"He got a couple of hickeys from that girl. He's been trying to contact me but I just don't want to talk to him right now." She sighed. I could tell this was really hurting her. She was usually happy and bubbly but now she was depressed. Her outfit was even bummy. She always came out of the house looking her best.

"You got to talk to him even though that might be the last thing on your mind. I understand where you're coming from but y'all made it this far. I know you don't want to end it with him, you just got to let him know what he did wasn't cool on any levels." I advised. She just nodded and looked out of the window. Betty got into the Suburban and started it up. She pulled out of the parking lot of the office.

"The first home is located in Hollywood. It's a mere twenty minute from LA, which is the same distance you girls are at now. The home has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and other great amenities." She told us.


jahmer m. tyler

I sat in my mancave drinking a beer and conversing with Nate, my best friend of ten years. He's the only one that has had my back through all the things I've been through.

"What you doing for the rest of the day? Oh what, you're probably playing house with old girl." He joked. I rolled my eyes. Nate don't like Zoé for some strange reason. At first he was supportive of our relationship but one day he switched up.

"Why don't you like her Nate? She hasn't done anything to you."

"Man I got a bad vibe about that girl. We both know when I have a bad feeling about somebody, I'm usually right." He stated. He was right but still she's my girlfriend. She's the most sweetest and innocent girl I've been with in a while.

"Okay man but anyway I'm going to training later." I told him.

"Training? What is you training for?" He inquired.

"You know I got that big photoshoot in two months and I've lost some of my muscle so I got a personal trainer."

"Female or male trainer? Don't ask me why it matters."

"Female, it's actually Brielle Tran, Chris Brown's daughter." I told him. His head turned quickly in my direction.

"You're lying, you're getting trained by your boss's daughter?" He inquired. I just nodded my head and took another sip of beer. He was making a big deal out of nothing. This was nothing more than business.

"Yeah so?"

"So? That girl is attractive."

"And so is my girlfriend so stop trying to make me hate her or whatever you're trying to do."

He threw his hands up in the air, "Okay man, how is moms doing?" He inquired, changing the subject.

"Good, she's in Paris right now. She should be headed back here next month." I told him. He nodded his head. I looked at the clock, 7:57. If I didn't leave now, I knew I wouldn't be at the center by 8:30.

"Well I gotta get going, training session starts at 8:30."

I got up from the couch and dapped Nate up. I walked upstairs, grabbing my bag that sat by the door. I walked out of the house and down to my Tesla. I got in and threw my bag in the back. I've been thinking about taking Zoé somewhere after my big photoshoot to celebrate. She's been very supportive of me and my career so it's the least I could do.

I pulled into the parking lot of the center and parked near the front of the building. The parking lot was nearly deserted. I grabbed my bag from the back before getting out of the car. I walked inside of the building heading straight to the changing room. I changed into a white tee, grey Adidas track pants with black Adidas ultra boost. I put my dreads back into a ponytail before walking out of the room. I walked over to the lockers, placing my bag into a random one. I made my way over to the machines and seen Brielle using the leg machine. She looked up and gave a small smile.

"Hey Jahmer." She greeted as she got up from the machine. Sweat ran down her toned stomach making her skin gleam.

"Jahmer." She called out, snapping me out of my thoughts.


"I was asking if you want to combine your abs workouts with your lower body workouts today? You can also have a free day if you want, do any workout you want." She suggested.

"I'll do the free day but I need your assistance with something."

"What can I help you with?"

"I need a meal plan. I'm working out but then going home and eating junk food which I know is not good. Can you help me with that?"

"I sure can, how about we go to the store now? I can give you some tips and tricks I do to eat healthy." She suggested.

"Sure we can do that." I agreed. She nodded and grabbed her phone from the top of the machine. I followed her toward the back of the building. We walked out of the building, she hit the unlock button on her keys making the lights on a white BMW flash.

"How many cars do you have?" I inquired as I entered the passenger side. She got in and chuckled.

"This is my sister's car but I have a total of three cars; a Lamborghini, Mercedes, and Jeep. You may have seen the Mercedes because my dad drives it from time to time."

I nodded. She started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. She turned up the radio a little and PND's voice came out. I nodded my head along with the words he was saying. Within in a couple of minutes we were in the parking lot of Publix. She parked the car and we both got out. We walked into the store and she grabbed a shopping cart.

"Now it's okay to have some junk food but you need healthy, clean foods if you want to see gains. It's always great to have a lot of fruits and vegetables around so when you're craving a snack, you'll be eating healthy." She stated. I nodded and followed her to the fruits and vegetables.

"Go ahead and pick whatever you like fruit and vegetable wise."

I walked over to the fruit and vegetables. I began picking up everything I knew I would like to eat possibly. She pushed the cart in my direction and I placed all the items in the cart.

"Awesome so what do you like as far as protein wise?"

"Chicken, fish, and hamburger."

"Ooh those are amazing proteins. You can make a lot of clean meals with those items." She smiled. We walked toward the meat section and I picked out the three meats that I eat.

"Maybe one day you could come over and I'll teach you a couple of recipes." She suggested.

"Sure I would love to." 

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