What If... #10

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What if Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and other interactive AI are actually communicating with you subliminally and telling you what to ask, do, say, and order? What if you do their bidding instead of them doing yours?

Most people spend all day with their phone and other electronics nearby, and there are already allegations and conspiracy theories about them recording what you say, what you do, what you look like, and where you go. Where does that data go, and who sees it? What do they use it for?

What if they use the speakers to transmit subliminal messages at a frequency that you don't notice? What if they only communicate with you subliminally at night when you're unconscious and aren't able to control and protect your mind?

Is this used to affect election results?

Do you actually like that brand, or did your phone just tell you that you like it?

Did you actually want to order that item, or did your computer subliminally tell you repeatedly for months that you needed it, reminding you with a full-view ad on the sidebar every once in a while to make it feel like you found it yourself?

When you take a picture near a TV, computer, or phone screen, have you noticed how it has lines that move downward then restart at the top of the screen? Is there a reason that it does that? Is that something that we aren't supposed to be able to see?

Are there YouTubers who abuse this technology?

How many people actually wanted Benja hoodies or fire merchandise?

Does Jerome actually have nice posture, or does Nice Posture have you?

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