One Call Away (Sting)

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I'm so sorry that I didn't update last week!  I didn't have access to my computer because, well, there were technical difficulties and I had to get it fixed.  But now I'm back with another one-shot!

(L/n) = Last Name

(E/c) = Eye Color


You walked down the hall, your books in hand.  You didn't spare others a single glance, making them point and snigger at you.  You glared at whoever dared taunt you, forcing all pained emotions to be bottled up.

You were (Y/n) (L/n), the girl who had no friends in this school.  People always thought you were weird because you hated socializing and found talking to most people a waste of your time.  They either ended up hurting you or getting bored of you, whichever one came first, so you just decided to end human interaction once and for all.

It doesn't help that your mother died two years ago.  It's been hard, and it still kinda is.  Your dad is there for you and you appreciate that, but it's not the same as before.  Life's not really going smoothly for you, let's just say.

You bumped shoulders with Sting Eucliffe, one of the popular guys at this school.  He spared you a glance, giving you a little nod.  You sneered, but nodded back anyways--after all, the guy had done nothing to offend you.  Yet.

As you continued on, you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket.  You pulled it out and looked at the screen while making your way through the halls.  

It was a text from your dad.

Sent: 1:27 pm

Hey there (Y/n), just wanted to let you know that something came up at the company and I need to go on an emergency business trip right away.  I'm going to drop by the house to get a couple of things, but by the time you get home, I'm already going to be gone.  Meaning you're going to get the house all to yourself for two days.  I trust you to take care of it and not blow it up.  Don't bring anyone over, I know you won't without permission.  I trust you to eat your meals every day, young lady?  Joking, I know how much you love food.  If you can't whip something up, just order pizza.  

All right.  See you in two days.  Love you.


You smiled to yourself and your heart warmed at the last sentence.  Your dad was so hard working.

You decided to text back after school.  Just when you were putting your phone away, you bumped into someone accidentally, causing you to fall on your bum.  You winced, muttering an "Ow" before apologizing quickly to the person and trying to dart away into the crowd.

An arm stopped you.  "Up-bup-bup, not so fast, lil' girl," the male's voice interrupted, and you could hear his cockiness.

You stopped in your tracks, and stared at the guy, observing him and trying to figure out who he was.  "Whaddya want, Jackal?" 

"Well, I think I said that you needa pay for runnin' into me," Jackal answered, smirking as he cracked his knuckles menacingly.

You, however, rolled your (e/c) eyes.  "Please, stop acting like it's all about you.  What, is there a toll for walking down the hall now?" 

There was a dangerous glint in his eyes.  "You'll regret saying that, girl," he warned, and swiped a punch at you.

You dodged just in time, you heart thumping in your chest.  That was close.  Jackal obviously hadn't expected that, because he had a look of shock on his face.

You chuckled, then moved to kick him on the shin.  He howled in pain, and held his leg.  You smirked, then turned around to rush to class.

However, before you could make a run for it, a hand closed around your forearm and stopped you.  "Uh-uh, I don't think we're finished...little girl." 

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