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My phone keeps ringing. Annoyed I open my eyes to see that it's Shawn.

I pick up
"Hailee I know you probably are already gone but I don't know what to do I need you" he sounds panicked "what is wrong Shawn?" I tried to calm him down "he is coming"
"How do you know" I'm right awake by now "jason called me" "jason told you he is coming?"

Every single thing was telling me I shouldn't trust Jason. But I couldn't leave Shawn like this. And let's be real I didn't mind spending a other day with him.

I promise him I will be there as soon as possible and start getting ready.
I take some of the last roses in water that I have and make my way back to his house.

When I arrive he takes me inside. His parents and sister are still sleeping. "Okay tell me what happened and what he said" I ask him "George asked for my hometown, he said he wanted to pay a visit"

"You are strong Shawn you can protect them you just need to learn how to fight" I take him outside.

As soon as he stands still I tackle him. "Well are you going to fight back or not?" I help him get up. He smiles and grabs my arm, he turns it around and I kick his leg. I grab his neck and pull him up he pushes me away against the wall. "You are stronger then you think Mendes" I say trying to catch my breath "Thank you" he let's go of me. We keep training
hours untill we both finally got tired and sit down at the couch.

"Here" I grab the roses in water out of my bag and give it to him "use it"
He thankfully nods at me.

"Are you staying here?"
"I'm going to Michigan soon after I'm sure that Jason was lying and he doesn't come here" I tell him my plan "you are going back to England after that?" "Yes"

"Promise me we will see each other again" he looks at me with his dark brown eyes "I promise" I stand up "we aren't done yet" I raise my hand out to him, he grabs it and I pull him from the couch. "Let's try this fighting in the forest"

We ride to the closest forest and We start fighting between the threes. It's more realistic like this. But he was actually really good.

He tackles me for the third time and I lay on the ground laughing "dammit Mendes" He pulls me up,
I smile as I noticed how close we actually are right now. I didn't mind tho. He has his hand resting on my back, I hold his face with my hands. He smiles and kisses my forehead, I look in his eyes and feel everything thing that I promised myself not to feel again.

I kiss his lips, our eyes closed. He pushes me against the tree, his tongue meeting mine and our hands intertwined . Then I realised what I was doing was going to bring him in danger and I stop kissing him.

"are you okay?" He asks scared he did something wrong "let's go home" I start walking back to the car. Once we both are sitting in the warm jeep Shawn starts talking "what is wrong Hailee?" "Nothing" I response "oh come on, don't tell me you don't feel the same" he was frustrated "Shawn I don't want you to get hurt. I bought you in this shit I'm not going to make it worst for my own selfish reason, I can save your family and my brother but I can't do that if I have to make sure you are save-"
"I love you Hailee"

My eyes shot open, I want to stop the car, kiss him. But I can't and it's killing me.
"Don't Shawn" I break when I say that.
"You're nothing when you love someone"
"Hailee please " His voice was raising, he was frustrated. And I don't blame him.
"Don't you see it Shawn, Everyone I care about is laying next to my family. Shawn I care about you so so much. thats why I don't want you to say that ever again out loud. He will kill you and I don't know what I will do to myself if that happens because it's my fault" I scream, I wasn't focusing on the way and before I know it I hit a big tree. Everything turns black but in minutes I'm healed and I get out of the car like Shawn. "That was the end of my jeep" I say irritated, frustrated and disappointed.

So we start walking in silents, it was a long walk in the middle of nowhere and Shawn and I weren't really on good terms right now so it was pretty awkward.

"Tell me something about your friends" Shawn then begins, calmed down.
"What?" "You told me you had friends, tell me about them" He smiles
"Okay, well you have Rosa a young strong witch I met her in school we have bin best friends ever since, then there is Logan, my human gay best friend he knows everything thing because his sister was one of us, he is amazing" I get sad and happy at the same time I haven't seen them in so long.

"You miss them" he noticed and I nod.
"Wait, I know about your uncle but what about the rest of the family?"

I don't know why he wanted to know all of this but I liked it, nobody really cares about that stuff.

"He killed everyone from the Anderson family. My mothers side doesn't know about me of all of this, my mother faked her death too" I tell him
"Thats why you're so good in faking deaths, it's in your dna" he laughs, "I will take that as a compliment" I laugh too.

After two hours of walking and talking about the most random stuff we arrive to his house.

"Shawn did we left the door open" I ask confused "no" he runs in side.

"Goodmorning to you too"

I notice that voice out of hundreds.

Hailee \ Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now