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"Hailee are you finally ready?" I hear Shawn screaming from the car, I check all my stuff one last time. I give Jonah a kiss on his cheek, I hug Allie and Jason and say my goodbyes to Rosa who will return to England.

I run to Shawn's car and dump my stuff. "I'm ready" I sit next to him.

He starts the car and rides away from the little wooden house.

"Thank you Hailee" he lays his hand on my knee "for what?"
"I know you hate to leave them behind, i'm happy you want to go away from all of this with me for a couple weeks"

I lay my hand on his, "we should make a list of the things we want to visit and do" I grab my phone and open my notes,


"Okay, I want to visit Paris with you. If bin there before and it's amazing. I want to lock one of those things on the bridge"

I write it down, I was a little nervous to go out in public with Shawn. It wasn't so long since he was 'dead' and people are crazy and will make up all kind of theories that he is still alive. But I didn't wanted to ruin his happiness, three days ago he hadn't even smile once and now he was finally becoming himself again.

1. Visit Paris and put a lock on the bridge.



"Visit Barcelona, drink until we are both drunk and have the best time ever. "

2. Get drunk in Barcelona.

"Eat a pizza in Italy and dance our asses off" I write it down

"I want to take a boat ride in Amsterdam" I say excited because in my 68 years I always wanted to do that.

"Ohh, you know what I want?" I say, he looks at me "I want to have hot sex in a hotel room" Shawn laughs "in your 68 years on earth you want to have sex in a hotel room?" "Hey, I'm just trying to live the human life" I laugh.

So we agree and write it down.

1. Paris, put a lock on the bridge
2. Get drunk in Barcelona
3. Eat pizza and dance in Italy
4. Hot hotel sex
5. Take a boat in Amsterdam

We wanted to meet with Logan and Rosa in my home town Chichester.
After that we were going to Aaliyah's ice hockey championships.

I put it in order and look on the internet for the first flight to Paris. "It's going to be a Europe trip hu?" I say when I look at the list again.

Shawn had visited all this country's before, I had never visit Italy and Holland. But this was my first real vacation since my family. My parents loved to travel, took us everywhere.

Shawn talks about his old friends as we drive to the closest airport.
He tells me about Brian, Geoff and Ian in Pickering how they always traveled with him. I recognised there names from when Shawn got buried. They all had a speech. He talks about a friend in England, he was a singer just like him. He opened up for his shows and how he misses there ping pong games.

I like it when he talks about his life before this, like he was still a human. He always had a smile on his face, but it would disappear as soon as the word used to or before came up.

It doesn't take us long till we arrive. We take our bags and find our flight. It takes me some brainwashing to get my bag full of blood in to the plain but I was used to it. I wouldn't go anywhere with out enough. I learned that when I met Shawn and I couldn't control myself.

We both sleep in the flight, When we arrive it would be morning.


A whole day later and we are on the other side of the world. I watch our plane land trough the window. We get out and wait for our bags. "What car do you want?" I ask while we walk out of the airport and look at people waiting in there cars. "No we are not taking anyone's car, no vampire stuff only when we need it"

That basically meant paying way to much on a rented car.

So we do as he wants and rent us a nice old Mercedes. I told Shawn we could take the cheaper one but no, Shawn wanted to spent his money on a old car. I ain't stopping him.

So we ride our old Mercedes in to the city of Paris. People where starting there days, trying to get on time at work with coffee in there hands.

The sun was burning on our skin, the roof of the car was down and we played old songs from Queen. "I can get used to this" Shawn says, "me too" I agree.

Hailee \ Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now