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AUTHOR'S NOTE:  This story will be totally summarized

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AUTHOR'S NOTE:  This story will be totally summarized.

In lone wolf Ben has been through a lot.  Amy and Ricky, Adrian and Omar, Henry and Alice, Jack and Madison, Grace and Grant are all hooked up and he is out of place.  He knows that none of them really like him, and only wanted him for what Leo could do.  Leo being the ever so obedient piggy bank to all of them doesn't even notice how out of place Ben feels now. So for his 20'th birthday, Ben took the rest of semester off college to travel to Ireland to learn of his mom's family.  Leo lets' him do this since he thinks this will make Ben be at peace with all the bullshit he has put him through.  The couples above are all happy, and having sex because they are pretty, and that is what you RAMY fans love to hear.

While in Ireland Ben traces his family to an ancient castle in the highlands said to be haunted by a large wolf creature.  While going to the castle he meet's of all people his God Father Felix Forrester.  Felix was the best friend of his mother, and her childhood sweetheart until Leo.  Felix hasn't seen Ben since the day his mother died, and wonder's why he's there.  Ben tells him all he has been through and Felix listens, but seems to already know.  He thinks fate brought Ben to the castle, and they go there together along with his daughter Katarina and her twin brother Drake.  Kat has beautiful green eyes and red hair, that make her look like a cat.  Drake has long red hair and green eyes to, but looks more sinister.  

When they reach the castle Ben scares many of the town people who claim he looks like the first wolf, his ancestor Lycas.  Ben hears a legend that says Lycas was  a man who turned into a wolf beast and hunted people for blood.  But protected his people when a greater threat of demons emerged.  Ben thinks it is folklore and pays it little attention.  They go the castle and spend the night.  In the night Ben wakes up because something is calling to him he goes through the grounds of the castle until he finds a locked chamber.  That reads the last resting place of the great wolf Lycas, only those of his blood can enter here, by their ancient crest.  On the door been see's a puzzle. The door has an etching of mirror that is a representation of the moon with wolves beneath it.  Ben uses the motto of his family on his mom side to open the door.  When it doesn't work he realizes it was wrong because he didn't write it using his own blood so he cuts his finger and writers.  "THE STRENGTH OF THE PACK IS THE WOLF.  THE STRENGTH OF THE WOLF IS THE PACK" on the moon mirror.  His blood disappears and the door opens.    In the room he discovers a statue of a large wolf with a sword in it's mouth.  Ben with his finger still bleeding touches the statue and it comes to life.  After chasing Ben to a wall and trapping him the wolf statue drops the sword from it's mouth and stands before Ben waiting for something.

Ben picks up the sword and his eyes turn blue like the eyes of the wolf in front of him as the moon shines a light over him.  In the light Ben see's the entire legacy of his family all warriors, fighting some creatures, along side other's who also have animal like powers and armor fighting though out time.  All of their memories seem to flow into him as he touches the sword.  He drops it and faints from the memories that have just enveloped him.  When he wakes up he's back in his bed and surrounded by Felix and his children.  They tell Ben he was not dreaming as the large wolf now clean and shiny comes into the room and rest beside his bed looking like a robot.  Felix explains to Ben that he, and his children, are all the descendant's of spirit warriors or Kamen Rider's.  They exist to protect humans from demons. They summon the spirit of animal's or ancient mystical beast to infuse into them to fight.  This power gives them strength, speed, and armaments to fight DEMONS.  Creatures or beings from the Nether Realm.  A dark place that is ruled by evil beings that use human blood, to gain power, and immortality.  

Ben can't believe this and thinks he's still dreaming Kat slaps him to let him know he's awake.  They tell Ben that his mother long ago was what they called a shaman, and she could see the future because she was connected to all of nature.  She and her mother were all like that only his grandfather was a Kamen Rider.  Shaman's connect to nature and are healer's, wizards, engineer's, and can see the future.  Felix and his mother were together and some thought they would marry, but one day she had a vision that changed her.  For no reason she, her mother, and father walked away from their duties as Rider's and became human.  They drank to turn off their power or turn a blind eye to it.  Humans can't see demons, but they can.  Ben laughs because he can't see anything, however he does remember as a child he would tell his mother he saw monster's and she would always tell him it was his imagination.  

Felix tells him his mother used another shaman to turn off his powers, and make him human.  But Demons are real, they exist, and they don't forgive, and definitely not forget.  Ben is then told that his family were the greatest of all rider's and were the prime target's of demons.  They had spent years eliminating every member of his family till one day only his mom, and he were left.  Then Felix asked Ben a very difficult question.  He asked him how his mother died.  Ben for the first time had just thought of that.  He had no answer.  He thought that weird, he had no recollection of his mother's death, or how she died.  Felix then tells' him it's because his wife who was also  a shaman wiped it away.  Ben's mom was killed by a demon, who tried to kill him. But his mom used the last of her abilities to protect he and Leo, that cost her, her life.  Felix found out about the attack and tried to help but arrived to late.  The shock of the world his wife came from, and what you were, and the world that you belonged to broke Leo who was so weak willed.   Since Ben was so young the counsel that governed all rider's decided to strip away what really happened using magic, and changed details in their minds of how Sarah died to allow he and Leo to live a normal life.  Unfortunately the demon that killed his mother was still out there.   This same demon had also killed his grandparent's.  Unfortunately they believe the same demon was also responsible for the untimely death of his daughter.  Ben was now a wolf with no pack, he was a lone wolf.

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