Isn't She Lovely - Chapter 3

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You know when someone touches you and it's like electricity is being shot through your whole body. That's what it felt like when Harry touched me, whether it was holding me while watching a movie, or grabbing my hand to make me walk faster. The only problem was I couldn't tell if it was the same for Harry. It wasn't a shocker that he probably didn’t feel the same about me. I mean with the cheeky smile, flirtatious personality and being a hormonal teenage boy he doesn’t exactly have time to be interested in girls like me. It's been over a year since I started liking Harry more than a friend and I don't think he’ll ever notice.

"Hurry up Sarebear, I'm going to be late for my date if you don't!" Harry shouted at me from down stairs. He had promised his mum would drop me off at the library on the way to his date. Part of me wanted him to be late and just forget the whole thing. We could sit in and have a movie night like we always did, but the other part knew that stopping his date tonight would not stop all of his other dates and make him like me back.

"I'm almost done!" I shouted putting on lip-gloss and then opening the door to walk out. "Uuff" I let out as my body slammed into Harry, who was apparently in such a rush he had to stand right out side the door.

"What are you wearing?" He questioned. I looked down at my body to see a pair of skinnies, a white tank top and a blue jumper pulled over top.

"Clothes." I stated sarcastically. What was Harry's problem?

"I mean on your face." He laughed. I had only put mascara and lip-gloss on but I didn’t wear make-up often.

"What does it look bad?"

" No, I just thought you were studying at the library." He said while he scratched the back of his head.

"I am." I smiled

"Then why are you wearing make-up? You know the books can't see you" He joked. Part of him was joking but the other wasn't. Harry was protective over me ever since the year my mom died. He needed to know exactly where I was going and why.

"Harry, I'm just trying to look human. If you want to complain about girls wearing make-up then why don't you tell one of the girls you’re dating. They pile way to much of it on." I walked past him.

"Haha very funny!" he yelled while running down the stairs.

"I thought so" I smiled.

"Want my mum and I to pick you up after my date?"

"I'm okay Harry, you have your date and I wouldn't want you to have to leave early. I’m only going to be here for an hour or so and your mum already drives me everywhere"

" My mum loves you, she won't mind and besides what I have planned for my date won't take near as long as that." Harry winked. I slapped him in the back of the head and we got into the car.

Harry and I had an understanding, I never bothered him about his womanizer ways and he never teased me for being a square who studied at the library on Friday nights. It worked well for us, at this moment in our life. To be completely honest Harry's womanizer ways were just part of his charm,  and I am 99.9% sure Harry is a virgin. The girls don't date him because he is good in bed or one of the most popular guys in school, they date Harry because he is himself and isn't afraid to be.

Isn't She Lovely -h.s-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora