Isn't She Lovely - Chapter 44

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The tension in the room was suffocating, no one said a word and that's what worried me. If Harry was mad he would generally confront the person but when he was furious he would sit there until he exploded, and at this rate he was a ticking time bomb. He hadn’t made eye contact with me and was just sitting there tapping his leg constantly, every time his leg moved faster and faster.  I couldn’t get myself to speak either, it's like I lost my voice suddenly. 

" Is it true?" Harry's voice questioned in suspense.  I tried to open my mouth and say something but nothing came out so instead I nodded my head.  " Speak for  heavens sake! Can't you fucking  speak?  No you can't because if you ever spoke to me then maybe I would have found out about this before!"  Harry snapped. 

" Harry stop swearing in front of you son" Louis insisted. " You’re  probably scaring him" Louis was right, I would feel Robby's grip on me tighten as he buried his head into my shoulder. "It’s not Sare's fault… she wanted to tell you."

" Wait you knew?" Harry's voice got even louder. " You knew and didn't tell me?  You didn't think I would want to know that I'm a dad? Who all knew?  Was it only me that found out when the rest of the world did?" Harry  stood up and shot venomous looks at everyone.  Shawna slowly raised her hand, which was followed by Eleanor's and Louis', Niall just stood there in confusion.   I was a bit thankful that Liam and Danielle weren't here yet. 

" So you told everyone except to two people who it actually matters to, the dad and the boy you were dating,  the two people's who's careers you just ruined!" Harry spitted. 

" I think we're going to go, let you guise work this out" Louis suggested. 

" We'll take Robby  and bring him back later" Eleanor agreed, as much as I didn't want to let Robby go, I knew that Harry was intimating when he was mad.  I passed Robby into Eleanor's arm still not being able to talk, what was wrong with me? Everyone left except for Harry and Niall,  I owed both of them an explanation. 

" Still aren't saying anything?" Harry asked bitterly. " Why aren't you speaking!" Harry was now inches away from my face. " Huh?"  His emerald eyes were furious and the veins in his neck were beginning to show.  " Can you at least tell me why you hid the fact that I’m  a father from me for almost two years?" He was so close to me that some of his spit was  hitting my face and again I couldn’t say anything. 

" Harry back up" Niall pushed him away from me, and put himself between us. " Just calm down before you say or do something stupid." 

" How can you not be mad? She didn't tell either of us!"  Harry tried to defend himself. 

" I wasn't actually dating her!" Niall  pointed out to Harry. " Besides  shouldn’t you be grateful that you have a son?" 

"  I am so grateful I have a son who I had no idea about, so if I didn’t find out today he would of grew up thinking his father didn’t love him" Harry stated sarcastically. " I am also grateful that my career is probably down the drain and I am also grateful that the girl I love has been lying to me this whole time"

Isn't She Lovely -h.s-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ