Isn't She Lovely - Chapter 21

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I woke up to hear a few of the boys bickering in a low whisper but whispering with these boys is like yelling through a bull horn.  I sat and started to listen to the conversation, by now I had figured out it was Harry, Louis and Liam. 

" When are you going to tell her mate?" Liam viscously  whispered.

" I don't know, whenever I'm ready to" Harry growled, I could distinctly tell there was tension  between Harry and Liam. I wondered  what Harry wasn't telling  me.

"What happens when you're never ready and she finds out in a  horrible manner? huh?" Liam asked. Then Louis added his thoughts into the conversation. 

" Leave him alone, it's like their honeymoon stage of the relationship. He probably doesn't want to ruin the good feeling!"

" If she finds out on her own, I can promise you the good feeling will be long gone!" Liam began to shout. 

" Shut it, else you’re going to wake her" Harry said equally as loud.  I decided to yawn loudly and pretend I just woke up, avoiding the awkward moment when I over heard everything they were trying to keep a secret.  I walked out into the kitchen and smiled, trying to act like I had no clue what so ever. 

" Did we wake you?" Harry asked with suspense in his voice. 

" No, I just woke up." I lied. 

" Oh good" All three of them sighed in relief. 

"Where's Niall and Zayn?" I asked 

"Niall went to Nando's and Zayn is still in his flat" Liam explained.  I wondered what we would be doing today since we had done al the site seeing today. " Which someone needs to get  Zayn up because we have a radio interview to go to." Liam rubbed his temples and he whispered to himself a little. Sometimes I wonder if that boy over thinks to much, maybe he should take a day to relax. 

" I thought you guys had the day off again?" 

" Apparently One Direction is in high demand at the moment." Louis stated. " Don’t worry we talk to Uncle Si and Harry is staying with you, so you two can bond and swap spit." he winked cheekily.

" Sounds romantic" I laughed at him. I wouldn’t actually mind spending a day alone with Harry though. I walk over and leaned into Harry shoulder. " So what's the plan Stan?" 

" I thought we haven't watched Love Actually in a  while" he smiled giving me puppy dog eyes, truth be told I watched it a lot when he moved to London and I was still in school, it soothed me in a  way. 

" Why not?" 

Harry and I sat in our normal position as we did when watching movies, that part of us never changed. the only part the did was the odd kissing as the romantic parts or just when we felt like it.  The movie was over and Harry and I were both a  little teary eyed. That movie always got us emotional no matter how many time we watched it. To cheer us up we decided to watch some television.  Harry went to the bathroom and  I flicked through the channels and stopped when I saw a familiar curly haired boy on the screen, I watched as the show was talking tabloids about the band. the first was how they just bought new flats and how Harry and Louis shared one. I listened as the reporter changed subjects. 

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