Chapter 15

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I grumbled slightly as I woke up, feeling my body stiffen from sleeping in an awkward position. I took a minute to remember where I was, and orient myself, before I opened my eyes.

They met bright green ones the second they were open, and I couldn’t help but jump back and let out a little scream. Oh, Harry. That’s right. He laughed, a hand going to his curls.

“That scary in the morning?” He joked, still laughing.

“I just wasn’t expecting you at all.” I stated, feeling my heart calm down. Last nights events came rushing to me. Asking questions and laughing. Having a good time and staying up until… When did we even fall asleep?

“Around four, I think.” Harry said. Was I talking out loud?

“Yeah, you still are.” Harry continued, now laughing.

“Damn it.” I mumbled. I hated when I did that, and it was almost always a morning thing.

“Miss Innocent cusses?” Harry asked, feigning shock. I rolled my eyes at him, getting up to go to the bathroom. My back rested against the door as I shut it.

I just spent the night with Harry Styles. I knew Harry Styles. Not just the one everyone knew, but the one that eats pizza crust first and loves to watch the sunrise. Wow.

I went to the bathroom, washed my face, and brushed my teeth and hair. I walked back out to see a distressed Harry bouncing from leg to leg. “Come on! Move! I have to pee!” He yelled, bolting into the bathroom. I laughed loudly, walking into the kitchen. I checked the time, 10:30. I felt like I had slept a lot longer than six hours, but that was alright as long as I was rested.

I moved to the little fridge, looking for something to eat. I was glad I had remembered to pack stuff for cheese omelets, and went about making them. Harry came out minutes later, his hands wrapping around my waist. He shook his head slightly, getting water all over me.

“Haz!” I yelled, jumping away from him. I yelped as the omelets started to fall, but Harry caught them by the handle and put them back on the oven.

“Be more careful.” He said, flashing me a brilliant smile.

“Be less wet!” I yelled, still flustered. He rolled his eyes at me and walked over to the island in the kitchen.

“Nice kitchen.” He said, looking around. I looked around too. It had an island with two barstools in the middle, cabinets along the wall. They hung above the standard appliances of a kitchen. I had a stove, little fridge, and even a dishwasher. 

“Yeah, it’s nice.” I said, laughing. I went back to making the omelets, and soon heard Harry getting up. He came over to the counter placed between the oven and dishwasher, pulling himself up and sitting. His feet started swaying, hitting the counter.




“Really Hazza?” I said, the noise already getting on my nerves.

“Well if you’d be entertaining, maybe I wouldn’t be so bored.” He said. I laughed. 

“Watch this!” I said, motioning to the omelets. I ran out of the kitchen, grabbing my iPod and dock. I ran back in and put on my ‘party’ play list, which pretty much consisted of all of my fast paced songs. I went back to the omelet just as my Cody Simpson cover of You Da One by Rihanna came on. I took one omelet out, starting another. I pulled Haz down, making him dance.

“Now you be entertaining.” I said, turning back around to make sure the omelet wasn’t burning. Harry picked me up and turned me around, so I was facing the counter.

“You da one that I dream about all da-a-ay!” Harry yelled in my ear.

“Um. Ow!” I yelled back.

“Sing!” He whined, drawing it out in the most annoying fashion.

“You are da one so I’ll make sure I beha-a-ave!” I yelled out, being as obnoxious as possible. I turned around, checking on the omelet again. I added cheese to this one, letting it sit for another minute before taking it off. I set them both on paper plates and put them at the island. Harry moved over there quickly, trying to eat already. I smacked his hand which had grabbed the plastic fork I’d placed by the plate.

“No!” I yelled, laughing. He shot me a puppy dog face, his bottom lip sticking out slightly. “I’m making coffee, so you’ll have to just wait.” I said, moving over to the coffee pot.

“No! Let me. You can be entertaining.” He said, just as the song changed to Without You. I squealed slightly, but sat down on the counter beside the coffee maker, nonetheless. “That’s not very entertaining.” Harry stated simply. I rolled my eyes, moving my hands in a disco man fashion.

“Better?” I asked, still laughing. He nodded, a spark of amusement in his eyes.

Soon the coffee was done, and we were both sitting, eating. I turned off the music, which earned a questioning look from Harry.

“I can’t listen to music while I eat.” I said, by way of explanation. He looked like he would have questioned it further, but we were interrupted by the slamming of the door between Natalie and I’s hotel rooms.

“Honey, I’m home!” Natalie yelled dramatically from the main room.

Author's Note:

My pregnany cat is having kittens one floor below me. I should be down there, but I wanted to post this before I got started on homework.

Dude, kitty afterbirth is gross.

I'm just glad she didn't have them on my bed.

I'm at an "I don't know where to go with this story at all" point right now, so if you happen to have an idea, message it to me. I might use it, or modify it slightly and use it.

A chapter would most definitely be dedicated to you.

In other news, the songs for this chapter.

"I will pose, if I wanna, and I will vogue, like Madonna. I might not dance like MJ (RIP), but I will give the best of me."

-All I Want is Everything, Victoria Justice

It's a fun, cute song for a fun, cute chapter. Pretty much enough said.

I really need to go check on these kittens, sorry for the crappy song, note, and mediocre upload, but OH WELL.

Love you strawberries!!!


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