1 ➼ part two

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"hello ally." camila greets from the passenger seat. 

"hi camila." ally smiled, closing the door behind her. dinah got in behind lauren, who was in the driver's seat.

"wow no 'hello' for your best friend?" dinah scoffed.

"eh." camila shrugged. "i'm just joking, hey dinah!" camila and lauren laughed.

"that's better." dinah rolled her eyes. camila chuckled.

"hey lauren! oh hi lauren!" lauren spoke to herself. everyone laughed.

"mila is normani meeting us at lazy dog today?" dinah asks.

"yes, she said she's already there and has a table for us." 

"does she know we have a plus one?" dinah took a quick glance at ally, who was staring out of the car window.

"i informed her, yes." 

"okay good." lauren pulled into the parking lot and got lucky with a parking spot in front of the entrance. the four got out of the car, making their way in. 

the three immediately spotted the dark skinned girl, who was waving at them excitedly. the quartet made their way over to the ebony.

"hey mani." camila and lauren sandwiched the girl, who smiled and hugged both of them. dinah and ally sat across from them. 

"mani, this is ally, she's a new model." dinah introduce the two. 

"why do i feel like i've seen you before?" normani squinted her eyes at ally.

"i don't know." ally shrugged, picking up the menu. 

"mareno boarding school." normani said after a few silent minutes.

"pardon?" lauren placed her menu down.

"ally, you went to mareno boarding school." everyone turned to ally for confirmation.

"i did." ally raised an eyebrow.

"you were a junior when i was a freshman. president of your class, valedictorian, and the nicest person to walk the face of the earth." normani sat back, shrugging. 

ally nodded, "you are correct."

"and now a model, how can she get any more perfect?" normani whined.

"i wouldn't be talking. you're a platinum selling artist with a billion views on youtube, featured in many big-name magazines yourself, and guest appear on shows like the 100 and top chef." ally smirked, sipping her water.

"i, um, i don't know what to say, honestly." dinah chuckled nervously.

"i feel you d." camila shrugged. 

"are you ready to order?" the waitress interrupted the tense silence.

"yes." was passed around the table. after telling the girl their orders, they returned back to conversation.

"valedictorian, allyson?" dinah turned to the girl next to her, an eyebrow raised.

ally laughed at the use of her full name. "you know, my full name is only used when i get in trouble."

"but i didn't know angels could get in trouble?" dinah tilted her head to the side. the other three watched intensely.

"i'll ask again, valedictorian?" 

"straight a's all four years of high school." ally shrugged.

"not to mention she was president of her class and ran the community service club. oh and managed the basketball team. how's troy, by the way?" normani asked. ally choked on her drink. camila and lauren snickered.

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