Chapter 1

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  I slammed the door shut in my now ex-boyfriend Eric’s face after I tossed his things out of my apartment. I cried my eyes out, I have found out he had been cheating on me with another woman for the past several months. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Kaylyn or Kay for short. I had long brown hair with dark eyes that hid behind glasses. I was in a great relationship of two years with a great guy until I found him sleeping with the lingerie model that lived next door IN MY BED. I kicked both their asses out butt naked. I cried and fell to the floor sobbing. I thought we had worked things out but I was wrong. I started packing up his things in a box and setting them by the trash. Then as I was going through something’s, I found a photo of me when I was younger standing next to one of my best guy friends at the time.

    Before I met Eric, I was best friends with a nice guy name Kendall Schmidt. You may recognize the name from that famous group Big Time Rush. I grew up with him for you see, he lived up the road from me before him and his family moved to California. Back before he was a hot celebrity, he was a geeky kid with good looks once he took off his glasses. But he was like me and we got picked on in middle school. I was large and had glasses and we both had our share of being made fun of. Both of us helped one another through the hard times. Hence why I had a small crush on him, He was a bit taller than me and lanky sort of kid with short blonde hair and green eyes. I had a small crush on him because he was one of the few boys that were nice to me.  We hung out a lot after school. I remember one time, I was hanging out at his house and his older brother Kenneth was still in high school teasing Kendall about me being his only girlfriend. I recall Kendall’s face being beat red as well as mine. We had a good time; I smiled as I looked at an old photo of us. I remember what he said to me on his last day of school. His father had gotten a job transfer to California and they wanted him right away. So the following week or so Kendall was getting ready to leave Oregon for good. “Kaykay, I’m going to miss you when I leave. Let’s try to stay in touch. But before I go there’s something I’ve wanted to say.” Kendall said to me. Kaykay was my nickname he called me when we were growing up. I turned toward him but we were in the lunch room and I could hardly hear him. “What is it?” I said looking up at him as people were filling up the student center after school. “I’m in love…..” Kendall said blushing. “Huh? I didn’t hear you.” I said leaning in. “Never mind Kaylyn, I’ll keep in touch. I’ll send you some pictures of the new house.” Kendall said shaking his head as he pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back; I was going to miss him a lot. Then after that he left and I never saw him again.

                After I graduated high school, I got a great job working as an assistant to the music producer in my home town of Portland, Oregon. I just came home to see a letter from Eric explaining that he was sorry but I tore it up and threw it out in the trash. That’s when I started to pack his things into boxes and sold some jewelry he gave me. Just as I was checking phone messages and decided to change everything. I heard a familiar voice, it was my mother telling me to turn on TV and watch a show called Big Time Rush. I did and sat down to see Kendall singing and dancing! I felt my jaw dropped as I saw him acting. He was GORGEOUS; he got contacts that showed off his pretty green eyes. I was wondering what had happen to him. I smiled and thought about our childhood. I still had his email but I didn’t know if he still checked it or not. I quickly got up and head towards my laptop and sent him an email. For fun I thought, I could send him a new picture of me. I sent the email, just then I saw a commercial for Big Time Rush being in concert at the Rose Garden. I called up some friends and asked if they want to go. They agreed and I find out that they are big fans of the group. I never had heard of them before but I did listen to their music and it sounded good.

     I sighed as then I heard my phone rang, and I see it was my boss calling me. “Hey Jessica, what is it?” I said as I answered my phone. “Hey Kaylyn, we are getting a new group signed to our company. I would like for you to come over tomorrow morning to help get the paper work ready for them to sign.” Jessica said with a firm tone in her voice. “Right, I’ll be over in the morning. Who is the band?” I asked as I paused on Kendall’s face. “It’s that new boy band Big Time Rush. They will be in the studio tomorrow at ten o’clock sharp. Be here sometime before then. See you in the morning Kaylyn.” Jessica said as she hung up the phone. I sat there in shock, I was going to see Kendall again, I had thought of his cute face smiling at me. I started getting nervous and giggly. I was never this way when I was with Eric. I went to my closet to pick out what I was going to wear for the next day. I figured something professional and yet sexy at the same time. I picked out a nice dress shirt and a pair of black slacks. Then I set my things to the side and had a smile on my face for the rest of the day. 

It's Just Love Right?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora