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Hello there, I'm here to talk about a serious topic. If you couldn't tell by the title, I will be talking about depression. In the past year I have not posted, not come up with a theory, and haven't even recognised you guys, but that will change because I won't even be on this account anymore. I won't have hundreds of people counting on me to bring them enjoyment. That was not originally what I wanted to do, what I wanted was to put my ideas out there...that's what I got, and more. I am haunted constantly by the thought that I am not putting stuff out there. If you haven't guessed  I have depression, the fact that I haven't put stuff out for you guys absolutely kills me. So this next theory will be my last. And don't worry, I'm not gonna kill myself, I'm just gonna set up a new account. I'm not gonna be putting fnaf theories on it though, it brings a lot of attention to something I didn't come up with. I want to be known because of what I create, not someone else. Believe me, I'm crying as I write this. I don't want to do this but its in my best interest.

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