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OK after that last chapter we need some pep, soooooo. All of us thought to look on the surface, but barely anyone thought to look for a metaphorical meaning behind it. No one thought that maybe it ties into Scotts religion. My thought is that fnaf is a metaphor for Christianity and how other people view it... Let me explain. In the first fnaf we have two most definite ways of protecting us from the animatronics. But let's look deeper. I believe that the animatronics stand for nonbelievers or sin, ant the two doors stand for the mother and father, trying to keep their child, the player, safe from sin. Fnaf 2, a flash light and a mask , still standing for the mother and father, but there are no doors... This represents the fact that as you get older, you are more susceptible to sin and letting it get to you, thus there are no doors, and I am assuming that the child is older now. Fnaf3, no doors, no masks, just sound. Is represents the child out of the house and in a place where there is only one person guarding the child, maybe a school?. Once again assuming the child is older. Fnaf4 this takes place in a home, I believe that the child is having friends over, inviting sin into his home. Being careless with his friends can lead to sin taking him over, being careless with your flash light can kill you in the game. I now think that the child is in his adolescent years. Sister location. Now here is where most of my thought went into this. First let's start with the free roaming aspect of it. This represents the fact that the child is now an adult living out his life on his own. Mutti Ficker I'm having fun with this one. You can only protect yourself from sin. But what about those controlled shocks? They represent your simple actions aggravating or simply annoying the non believers. Oh but here we really go. I'm gonna have to quote scripture for this one. " and the serpent said unto the woman, ye shall not surely die; for God doth know that the day you eat thereof. Then your eyes shall be opened; and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil" Genesis 3: 4-5. This is what Satan as the serpent said to Eve, meaning, if you eat from this tree you shall know good and evil. Satan tricked Eve, just as baby tricked us. I believe that at this point Satan is angry that you are still a follower of Jesus. And is trying to get to get to you himself. And he does eventually, making this a sad ending to a very thrilling gospel.

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