The Blonde Bombshell

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So, anyone who says this chapter is totally unrealistic is totally right, and I'm 100% aware how OC this is. Also, I'm sorry that once again there is no fight, and that this story is going nowhere, but I think the next chapter will provide what you're looking for. Anyways, this is a personal project, I know how stupid it is. If you're going to criticize, at least try to tell me something I don't already know.

Disclaimer: Don't own PJO.

After breakfast, a council was held. Its purpose was purely logistical.

"As the builder of the cabin and the one favored by many gods and goddesses, for some reason, Percy Jackson is nominated as head of Cabin U. Are there any who object?" Annabeth went through the motions of selecting Percy as head of Cabin U, which had become the formal name of the cabin.

Officially, 'U' referred to the original U made by the cabins, which was maintained in name by the new cabin. Of course, in reality, it simply stood for 'Undetermined.' Of course, it technically housed a majority of claimed campers, 12-11, so the name had sort of lost its original meaning, but it had already been named by Chiron before the mass claiming, so not much could be done.

At any rate, no one objected.

"In that case, Perseus Jackson, you are now the official head of Cabin U. You will be responsible for your cabin's activity schedule and lights out time. You will also be responsible for your cabin during meal times and campfires. You will also be in charge of which team your cabin is allied with during capture the flag," Annabeth said, monotone. It was clear she resented Percy for accomplishing so much within twenty four hours of being at camp. It's ridiculous! Within a single day of being awake, he was responsible for bringing a god to camp! And he understood the principles of superheating distilled water instinctively!? Even as a son of the Sea God, it's just too much! Now he's the head of the largest cabin by number, and they're already perfectly loyal to him! It hasn't been a day yet! And who gives a rousing speech while shoving blue pancakes into his mouth!? Who does he think he is!? There should be limits to how insane someone can be! Why is everything going his way!? He's a rookie! I'm bet-

"Annabeth, please stop," Percy said gently. He'd grabbed her arm in the middle, but she hadn't stopped. At first he thought it was funny, but even he started feeling bad for her. He needed to stop her before her reputation was ruined completely. He stopped her with words when it sounded like she was about to say 'I'm better than him.' He held no affection for her in particular in his heart, but he was not so cruel as to let one experience the isolation he had felt so often when people found out he would be expelled after the school year ended. He knew what it was like very well to be thought of as a freak, someone to be pitied and avoided. She thought she was saying it in her head, but she was wrong. That's no reason for one's social life to end. So he stopped her.

Annabeth noticed Percy's hand on her arm, and realized she must have been talking out loud, and blushed violently from embarrassment. She sank to the floor, and when she spoke, it sounded like she was holding back tears.

"How much did you hear?"

"You whispered 'It's ridiculous!' and got louder and louder," Percy said gently. He had knelt down to her level.

Someone's thoughts were supposed to be private. They were sacred. Having blurted out her innermost thoughts without realizing it, especially for one whom thoughts are so important, as a child of Athena... It was likely she would've preferred to bare her body to the other cabin heads, rather than her mind. It would have been less embarrassing.

"So..." Her voice quivered wildly; she was approaching tears fast. "So you heard all of it then?" Her voice was heart-wrenchingly sad. Percy could no longer bear it.

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