03 | Hospital (edited)

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Armin rushed me to the hospital since my head was pouring blood everywhere. They wouldn't let anyone in the room, only immediate family. But I didn't have a family, so I didn't get it. So I decided to convince them to let Armin in since he's pretty much family.

"Eren! You're such an idiot!" I furrowed my brows and looked at him. "What? Why!"

"Don't pull this on me Eren, what the fuck was all that! I've never once seen you get into a fight, where did all of that come from?" Armin was pacing the room in anger. I usually never see Armin like this unless someone or something really angers him, and apparently, I did the job.

"Armin, did you not see that guy! he was being such an asshole to that lady!" He rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"You mean the girl who looked like a slut? The prostitute that wasn't doing what she was supposed to? Yeah, I saw that Eren. Who fucking cares about her. Look at you!" My head was in a bandage since the cut was so deep. I have no idea how I even got the cut.

"That guy could have killed you," Armin said quietly. "That man who stopped you, what was his name? I don't know, if that man didn't stop you, you would have died."

Levi...that was Levi! That familiar voice was him.

"Levi!" I blurted out. I then covered my mouth, I probably shouldn't have said his name.

"You know him?" Armin questioned. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. I was gonna tell him at the bar, but now I have to tell him this at the hospital!

"Well, yeah kinda." I trailed off. Armin stared at me, obviously waiting for an answer.

"Okay, well after you left at the airport, I met him. He was looking for me because he wanted to make an offer. And that offer is that he wants me to join his company. I didn't know what to do, so I called you and then everything happened. I don't know if I should take this offer, he says that I should and he genuinely seems to want me to come and I just don't know-" Armin interrupted.

"Eren! Are you telling me that was Levi Ackerman?" Armin was yelling in excitement now. Why?

"I guess, yeah." Armin was squealing. "Oh my god! Eren, you need to take this offer! You'll never get any other one like this! Holy shit!"

I guess Armin's reaction means that it's good. So I should probably do it.

"I want to still work with you though." Armin smiled. "Then you can hire me!"

I nodded, taking in all he was saying. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and went to messages and clicked on Levi's name.

Eren: I'm taking your offer.

Levi: that's great brat. You can start Friday. Pack up your shit and be ready.

Eren: okay, also, were you the person who stopped me at the bar tonight?

Levi: yes.

Eren: oh...

Levi: got to go, see you Friday.

Eren: okay, bye...

I couldn't believe that it was Levi who stopped me at the bar. To be honest, I was completely embarrassed. He probably thinks I'm some fucking dweeb now. But at the same time, what did it matter what he thought of me?

Levi does have good looks, and he's very successful. Could that be what's worrying me? Or is it the fact that he chose me out of all people. There are plenty of other people who are ten times more successful than I'll ever be, yet he still chose me.

Thinking about how it'll be like working there, I remembered that I'm gonna have to tell my boss that I'm leaving. And I don't even know how I'm going to do that. Armin will have to help me out with this.

"Armin, what am I going to tell Pixis?"

"Just tell him you're transferring I guess. I'm sure he already knows though. Levi's company had to of let ours know." I nodded in agreement.

"You're probably right."

"Eren, I'm always right. Now get some rest please?" I nodded and closed my eyes, getting as much rest as I could.

"Eren, Eren, Eren!" I jolted up and it was dark. I couldn't see anybody, and I couldn't feel anything. "H-hello?" I spoke aloud. But I got no response in return. I felt the chills run through my back and I shivered. Below me was a metal table and I stared at it, obviously confused. "Where am I?" I said with a croaky voice. I heard footsteps walk towards me, but I never saw anyone come to me. "Who's here!" I demanded. Why was in a dark room? Why isn't anybody here? I was shivering beyond control now, it had gotten colder in here. I reached around me to see if there was something I could cover myself with, but all I found was a rough blanket that wasn't there a second ago. I wrapped it around me and I felt warm again. Too warm. Now I was sweating like crazy, so I threw the blanket off of me and wiped my face that was drenched in sweat. Then all the sudden it was cold again, but I kept sweating. Because for some reason I was still hot but at the same time I kept shivering uncontrollably. "What's happening to me!" I screamed. I got no answer. "What's going on!"

"Eren! Eren! Wake up!" I jolted up and gasped for air. I was all sticky and wet. I looked around me and was panicking for a minute before realizing that everything was real and that I was in a black room alone.

"Eren are you okay? You were screaming..were you having a nightmare?" I looked at Armin and felt my eyes tear up in the corners, causing my eyes to burn. I nodded my head and buried my hands in my face. Armin shushed me.

"Eren it's going to be okay. Don't worry, nothing's going to happen to you. But it's late, you need more rest."

"Okay.." I tiredly laid back down and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.




Hey sorry for the short chapter, the next chapter will be good I promise. Love Y'all. Leave a comment below on what you thought! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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