Chapter 3

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Jack enters smithy, sees drunk and sleeping Mr. Brown and pokes him to see if he'll awaken  then he tries to get rid of the irons with a hammer but it doesn't work; uses the red hot end of a metal rod to spur the donkey he finally succeeds in breaking the link between them by putting them on two turning wheels in the machinery powered by the donkey and then hides when Will enters Will calms the donkey and sees Brown

"Right where I left you."

He sees hammer

"Not where I left you."

He notices Jack 's hat and reaches for it
Suddenly Jack appears with sword unsheathed

"You're the one they're hunting. The pirate."

"You seem somewhat familiar. Have I threatened you before?"

"I make a point of avoiding familiarity with pirates."

"Ah, well, then it would be a shame to put a black mark on your record. So, if you'll excuse me..."

He turns away and is about to leave when Will gets his own sword

"Do you think this wise, boy – crossing blades with a pirate?"

"You threatened Miss Swann ."

"Only a little."

They start fighting

"You know what you're doing. I'll give you that. Excellent form. But how's your footwork? If I step here; very good. Now I step again. Ta."

Jack sheathes his sword and walks to the door; Will throws sword which gets stuck in the door, barring the exit; Jack tries to pull it out but is unsuccessful

"That is a wonderful trick... except, once again you are between me and my way out. And now you have no weapon."

Will takes out a sword with a heated tip; they fight

"Who makes all these?"

looks pointedly at the swords

"I do! And I practice with them... three hours a day!"

"You need to find yourself a girl, mate! Or perhaps the reason you practice three hours a day is that you already found one and are otherwise incapable of wooing said strumpet. You're not a eunuch, are you?"

"I practice three hours a day so that when I meet a pirate, I can kill it!"

They continue their swordfight jumping onto a cart that sways under them; Will hooks a knife in the irons hanging from Jack's left wrist and throws it up so it is embedded in the beam above, in return Jack hits a loose board which throws Will off the cart; Jack uses his body weight to get the knife out of the wood and falls back on the cart just as Will climbed back on; Will is thrown up into the rafters and cuts free a heavy sack which vaults Jack up into the rafters as well; they fight, jumping from beam to beam; Jack loses his weapon and blinds Will with sand; takes out his pistol while Will protects his eyes

"You cheated!"


He then hears men trying to break the door down

"Move away."


"Please move."

"No! I cannot just step aside and let you escape."

"This shot is not meant for you."

But he gets hit on the head with a bottle of alcohol and falls unconscious

Norrington's men break in the door

"There he is. Over here."

"Excellent work, Mr. Brown . You've assisted in the capture of a dangerous fugitive."

"Just doing my civic duty, sir."

"Well, I trust you will always remember this as the day that Captain Jack Sparrow almost escaped. Take him away."


The prisoners where whistling and waving a bone to a dog that has the keys to the prison in its jaws

"Come here, boy. Want a nice juicy bone? Come here. Come on"

"You can keep doing that forever, the dog is never going to move."

"Oh, excuse us if we haven't resigned ourselves to the gallows just yet."

At that moment I enter the prison


"If it isn't miss Y/n. What brings you hear"

At that you throw him a piece of bread and a bottle of rum

"Drink up for energy is going to be useful"

"Why don't you just release me"

"Cause it's not my place to act. See ya~"

meanwhile Will is hammering a new sword, he looks out unto the deserted street

on top of the Fort

"Has my daughter given you an answer yet?"

"No, she hasn't."

"Well, she has had a very trying day. Ghastly weather, don't you think?"

"Bleak. Very bleak."

"What's that?"

"Cannon fire!"

He says as he tackles the Governor

"Return fire!"

in the jail

"I know those guns."

looks out of his little window

"It's the Pearl ."

"The Black Pearl ? I've heard stories. She's been preying on ships and settlements for near ten years. Never leaves any survivors."

"No survivors? Then where do the stories come from, I wonder?"

the Black Pearl's guns are destroying the battlements, the pirates are now coming ashore in boats; Will takes up a sword, a hatchet, and a knife to fight the invading pirates; on the battlements;saves a maid by killing a pirate with his hatchet

Norrington wads shouting orders to soldiers

"Sight the muzzle flash!"

"Aim for the flashes!"

"I need a full strike, fore and aft! Let these demons both bite at this!"

cannons are shot in the Black Pearl 's direction

"Governor, barricade yourself in my office. That's an order!"

Port Royal street ; Will is fighting with the pirates

"Say goodbye!"

signs falls on him


Pintel was leading Elizabeth to the Black Pearl

"Come on!"


Will spots them


Will sees the same pirate he killed with his hatchet and is confused

"Outta my way, scum."

He says as he knocks Will on the head and he faints

The curse of the black pearl.                  ( jack sparrow x reader )Where stories live. Discover now