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pjimin: you're probaly not awake yet but how are you feeling?

pjimin: must be pretty drunk to drunk text someone

taehyung95: i feel like shit

taehyung95: help

taehyung95: im never drinking again

pjimin: go back to sleep

pjimin: take advil

taehyung95: i did.

taehyung95: nothing is helping

taehyung95: screw alcohol

pjimin: wish i could help :/

taehyung95: you can

pjimin: how?

taehyung95: send me a picture of you :)

pjimin: ew no

pjimin: you'll feel even worse

taehyung95: bitch? shut up?

taehyung95: i bet you're beautiful

opened 10:12 am

taehyung95: come on jiminieeeee

pjimin: jiminie?? seriously?

taehyung95: cute isnt it ;)

pjimin: cute my ass

pjimin: makes me gag.

taehyung95: :(((((((((

pjimin: *:))))))))

taehyung95: selfie now.

pjimin: no.

taehyung95: jiminnnnnnnnnnn

pjimin: taehyungggggggg

taehyung95: i'll send you a picture of me

pjimin: you already did

taehyung95: no i did not

taehyung95: when...

pjimin: last night

pjimin: when you were pissed drunk

taehyung95: I DID ??? I DONT REMEMBER

taehyung95: WHAT ELSE DID I SEND

taehyung95: OH GOD


pjimin: calm down jeez

pjimin: you just texted me weird lyrics and a selfie

taehyung95: thats it?

pjimin: yup

taehyung95: k good

taehyung95: so about the selfie....

pjimin: for goodness sake.

taehyung95: please :((((

pjimin: fine.

taehyung95: YAYYYYY

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