Chapter 19.

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Hey guys, I actually can't believe this got like 1 thousand views :o I didn't even think it would get like 10. I was so happy when I found out :D thanks for reading you guys!! Um...I don't really know what's happening in this chapter, I kinda just put a load of random stuff together and, well,yeah.

Guess what? I love John Green !! his books are class! yeah, well anyways back to the story, thanks for reading, I love comments!! (hint, hint) I still need an ending!! I have wrote on a bit and involved Moriarty a bit more (thanks to tentube !!) so aanyways see yous laters, BYEE

Ps sorry for the short chapter.

John's POV

I felt my stomach turn the second we arrived. We all walked up to the tiny house, Harry walked up and opened the kitchen door. The smell of alcohol made me queasy and a bit dizzy. I had to grab onto Sherlock to stop myself from falling. He pulled he into a tight hug and started stroking my hair.

"It's okay John, you're safe as long as I'm here. I won't let you get hurt." He told me in his calming voice. Just then my dad walked in. He was drunk, no surprise there. "Oh, look who it is. The whole gang's here, faggots." He shouted at us, slurring his words. He was stumbling over to us when Harry turned to me. "Quick John, you two go find mum. Grab everything you can, find a bag or something. Take her clothes and stuff, anything you can. Take her out to my car, I'll be there in a minute, I just have to sort this bastard out" she said walking up to him.

Me and Sherlock quickly ran around the house shouting out for my mum, gathering things along the way. "Sherlock go look upstairs, I have to get something for mum. Hurry" I shouted, running into the kitchen. I tried to avoid the two as much as I could but dad must of saw me. "Look there's my so called son, he turned out to be a faggot as well you know. I don't know what I done to deserve this. Well I guess I don't have any family now." He said turning around chuckling.

I tried to forget about the fact that my father has just disowned me, not that I cared anyway, and went in search of my mums photo album that was hidden on top of the fridge. I grabbed a chair, stood on top of it and felt around. I wasn't tall enough to see over the top of it even though I was standing on a chair. When I felt it I pulled it down, it was heavy and covered in a thick layer of dust.

There was photos from when Harry and I were little along with pictures of her and her family. I jumped down, not bothering to put the chair back, and ran out of the room. I was calling out for Sherlock. He came stumbling down the stairs, holding my mum. "John - quick - open - the door" he exclaimed, he was panting and his face slightly red. I ran to the door and nearly pulled it of its hinges.

I was mad at my mother for letting him do this to her, but I was even more mad that he had done it. I opened the boot of the car and threw in random things, I hadn't bothered getting a bag for them, and slipped into the back of the car with Sherlock. When Harry ran out of the house dad was behind her, throwing things at her. She was shouting for someone to open the door. Mum reached over and pushed it open and Harry jumped in, slamming the door behind her.

The car shot off, leaving dad, who was still chucking things in our direction. When we had started to relax a bit when Harry turned to mum. "What the actual hell mum? Do you like being hurt ?" She roared. Mum just looked out of her window, sinking into the seat. "Well?" Harry demanded, still staring at her. "Harry watch the road!" I shouted. We were going into a ditch.

"For god sakes, we are talking when we get to the house" she grumbled, straightening the car on the road. We were all quite for the remainder if the journey. Mum was still staring out the window when we pulled up to Harry's. Me and Sherlock gathered all her stuff and brought it into the spare room. We said our goodbyes and left before the shouting happened.

(Major editing) It wouldn't take a consulting detective to see that I love you.Where stories live. Discover now