Chapter 29.

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Hey guys, so I wrote this while I was watching supernatural and painting my nails so I don't how it will turn out. I haven't read over it either. So. Thanks for the comments, votes, reads, etc. love yas, leave your comments in the thingy and stuff so BYEE :)

Suddenly, I shot up in the bed, shivering and covered in a cold sweat. I looked over to the clock, but was unable to read it as the room was pitch black. I got up carefully not to wake John that was lay beside me and walked over to it. It was 1:46. I was slightly shocked when I realised that I slept the whole day.

Since it was so late, there would be no point trying to get back to sleep. Instead of getting back in bed beside John, I walked into the bathroom and put the shower on. I carefully stripped then slid into the cold water.

I stood under the water as it gradually grew hotter. When it was hot enough, I grabbed shampoo and scrubbed it into my mop of hair. We had to back to St. Barts in the morning so I would have to pack my bags after I've finished washing.

After an hour or so of standing in the shower, the water started growing colder. I got out and quickly dried myself then threw on sweats and a top. I left my hair to dry naturally because it wouldn't be as frizzy than if I used a towel.

I silently crept around the room, gathering clothes, folding them and placing them carefully into a bag I got from under the bed. I looked around for some of my old chemistry and physics books. I had found the chemistry one but was still searching for my physics one. 'Physics, physics, physics, physics, physics, physcis. Physics!' I silently chanted to myself as I searched under my bed. When I finally found it, I threw it into my bag with everything else.

After I packed my bag, I began to pack John's. I realised that John didn't have many clothes with him. Barely enough for the week. He must have left the rest of his clothes in the dorm.

I was extremely bored, waiting for the hours to pass. It was 3 now and my bloody hair was still dripping down my neck. I eventually gave up and dried it with a towel, turning it into a bush-like mess that made it look as if I had been electrocuted.

I walked back into the bedroom and sat down next to the bed. I rested my head on my hands as I watched John. He looked peaceful when he slept, his face was more relaxed.

Every so often, his face would twitch, sometimes the sides of his lips would tug, causing a brief smile to appear on his face. Other times, it would be his eyebrows. They furrow in what seemed like worry or pain.

After 2 or so hours of watching John occasionally twitch or murmur something, he turned on to his side, leaving me to stare at the back of his head.

With another two hours to spare, I carefully dropped to the floor, laying on my stomach, searching under my bed, in hope of finding something that I hadn't used in years. I was completely under the bed before I felt it. It was dark so I couldn't see anything. I tried pawing at the cylindrical shaped object, trying to get it to roll towards me. To no avail I brought my other hand up to the object and tried pulling at it.

Eventually, I managed to get it out. I brought it over to the window ledge and inspected it. It was covered in a layer of dust and the lens of it appeared to be scratched. I brushed the dust of the outside of it before I carefully crept down stairs in search of a case that held my old glasses.

I took the box upstairs with me and slid back into my room. I opened the box and pulled out a strip of soft material and wiped the lens of the telescope before replacing it.

After I cleaned it, I brought it up to the windowsill and began looking at the constellations. I hadn't used the telescope in years so it took a while to adjust everything. I was looking at the stars that were more than likely dead by now.

I sat looking at the stars for the next 2 hours. My alarm startled me slightly when it went off. I got up quickly and put my telescope back under the bed before John woke. I walked over to my alarm clock and turned it off then went to sit beside John.

He when grumbling, annoyed at how we had to go back to school and how early it was. When he finally got the strength to sit up, he pulled me into a hug. "Love you, Sherlock" he whispered in my ear before kissing my head.

"Love you too. The waters on if you want a shower" I told him when he had released me. He mumbled a thanks before slipping into the bathroom. I fell onto the bed and placed my hands under my chin but I didn't enter my mind palace, I just listened to the sound of the shower running.

After John turned off the shower, he walked out of the bathroom, wearing a towel. He sat down beside me and rested his hand on my knee. I sat up beside him, put one arm around his shoulders and took hold of his other hand.

(Major editing) It wouldn't take a consulting detective to see that I love you.Where stories live. Discover now