Otp questions (1)

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•Who worries about how they will look when they're older?
James, he really does

•Who makes the mix tapes/cd's?
Jack loves to make and mix music, it's most of the things he does when he's bored

•Clings to the other during scary movies?
James gets scared faster but Jack is touchy so he starts clinging at the first "scary" part in the whole movie, actually no, he already hugs James and snuggles by his side before the movie starts

•Gets into the shower with the other randomly?
Jack always joins, James hadn't alone since they moved in by each other

•Flashes the other when they walk by after taking a shower alone?
Jack... it doesn't happen much but when it happens Jack doesn't hide "it" for anyone

•Initiates hand holding while the other is driving?
James, he doesn't let Jack drive because James thinks he's a real danger but to make Jack feel a bit less sad about it he always gently lays his hand down on his boyfriends thigh

•Secretly tries to touch the other in naughty places during public/family events?
Jack, he is veeery touchy and he loves to humiliate James in public because James still hides it a bit

•Asks weird questions in the middle of the night?
Jack, his head is too full of weird questions about life and things

•Asks "what are you thinking about?"
James, Jack often makes weird faces while thinking so James asks him what's wrong but it always ends up with things like "oh I just thought about what if I filled the pool with yello??"

•Always has to be touching the other?

•Who puts up the holiday decorations?
Jack is really clumsy and has no eye for decoration so James always does it but Jack is happy enough to try even if James gets it off after less than 10 minutes

•Who eats the others uneaten pizza crusts?
James, Jack isn't much of an eater and James doesn't want to waste food

•Who always forgets to pick up their wet towels in the bathroom?
Jack, without James the house would be filled with clothes, towels, etc

•Who talks smack while playing video games?
Jack, he always does to calm the voices in his head. James thinks is super cute but Jack doesn't get why

•Who is more likely to cry over a sad book or movie?
James is a real softy sometimes

•Who sings along with the radio?
Jack loves singing so he takes every chance

•Who falls asleep on the other?
Jack, mostly when they watch a movie together or have sex on the couch. He doesn't need that because just cuddling with James is enough for Jack to get enough rest to fall asleep

•Who leaves their dirty underwear on the floor?
Again, Jack

•Who farts under the sheets?
James, for some reason Jack never farts and it creeps James out because he's worried there's something wrong with his boyfriend

•Who doesn't close the door when they go to the bathroom?
The whole house may enjoy the sound of Jack peeing

•Who pees in the shower?
James, but only when Jack hasn't joined him yet, he knows Jack would freak out because that's one of the couple things Jack actually does right (according to James) but James just can't help it

•Who forgets to put the cat outside the bedroom when they have sex?
James, he doesn't care if someone watches him, he thinks it's cute how Jack giggles and blushes when he knows someone's watching them doing it

•Who walks around the house with no pants on?
Jack, every morning

•Who leaves crumbs in the bed?
James and it annoys Jack very much

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