Otp questions (3)

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•who takes the other's last name?
Jack hates his name so he takes James' last name if he wants it or not

•who chooses where to go for the honeymoon?
Jack wanted to go to a volcano but James wanted them to be alive so James chooses

•who talks about the other more without noticing?
Jack, he never stops talking

•who forces the couples halloween costumes?
Jack just likes to wear weird clothes

•who shows up at the other's work randomly with gifts?
Jack, he brings random stuff, from flowers and chocolate to illegal fireworks

•who's the first one to fix things after a fight?
James, he's always sorry for Jack for some reason

•who the fuck put the peeps in the microwave?
Jack, without James warning him he would put all the spoons into the microwave

•who posts vines of the other doing embarrassing shit?
Jack does a lot of stupid shit and sometimes it's so funny that James just has to film it

•who breaks the most phones?
Jack, he's very clumsy and doesn't give a shit about his own stuff

•who dies first?
With all the dumb shit Jack does, James. He always is in real danger by fixing Jacks problems

•which one I could see as being lactose intolerant?

•who thinks they can do something really?
James has given up on all hope...

•well even though they can't?
If everything goes wrong and even James seems down by it Jack tries to cheer him up by just being his hyper self

•who is more likely to get kicked out of the bed?
Jack, James sometimes gets so annoyed by the little brat that he just has to give him a little push to close to the edge

•who uses the computer most?
Jack, his mind be like: "POOOOORN"

•who takes longer showers?
James showers really long but Jack showers even longer, even when the water turns cold he keeps underneath it for 10 more minutes

•who prefers rain and who prefers sun?
Jack loves rain, he loves that everything gets a bit darker and sadder outside so he actually is the happiest thing outside.
James prefers the sun, he likes to tan a little next to the pool

•what's their favorite place to go together?
James really likes the Batcave because it's a save place for him, Jack just likes it because he can play with all the gadgets and the bats

•who's more likely to be voted prom king/queen?
Jack would totally be prom queen

•do they celebrate anniversaries, etc.?
They celebrate things like Christmas, James' birthday, the day they met and a couple other days but Jack doesn't ever want to celebrate his birthday

•who'd pressure the other into singing karaoke?
Jack can sing, totally, and he loves karaoke but James has the voice of an angel. They never sing karaoke as a competition, they like to sing together so it's better than the original song

•what's their nightly routine?
James: dinner, saying Jack he's stupid, watching a movie, brushing his teeth, fuck Jack, sleep
Jack: waiting for James to fuck him

•who's more likely to burn dinner?
Jack, he can't cook. If James would ever leave him he would start living on warm up meals.

•who controls the netflix account and what have they dominated the suggestions?
They always use James' account and they like to watch horror, kid, and sex movies

•who snores?
James, but only if he's really tired

•who has an embarrassing ringtone that the other calls them in public just to get to go off?
If they're in a crowd of people James'll call Jack just to hear the song never gonna give you up, Jack just laughs it off and turns off the sound of his phone

•who sleeps on the top bunk if given the chance?
They did once, James got the top bunk after Jack fell out of it for 3 times

•who plays the piano at 6 in the morning to wake up the other?
Jack would do anything to wake up James, he's a really fast sleeper

•who has accidentally set something on fire by attempting to cook a birthday meal?
Jack, when it comes to cooking gone wrong it's always Jack...

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