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the sound of the busy nightlife in the city surrounds the quaint shop jeongguk works at

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the sound of the busy nightlife in the city surrounds the quaint shop jeongguk works at. he prepares for closing, cleaning up his space then double checking the amount in the cash register. when all the lights and machines are turned off and everything is in place he heads towards the back room where the employee's belongings are kept.

"good work today jeongguk!" his coworker, hoseok, says as he grabs his things from his locker.

"you too." he curtly replies with a small nod, his glasses slide slightly down so he pushes them back into place.

"hey if you're not busy do you want to grab some food? jimin and yoongi are coming along too." hoseok offers with a hopeful look on his face.

"no it's okay, i was going to eat dinner at home."

"you sure? you should eat out sometimes you know—"

"i'm fine, really. thanks for the offer." he cuts him off as he shuts his locker and leaves.

"ah~ did you try to invite jeongguk? he definitely wouldn't come to something like that," jimin, another late night worker says as he walks in. "he doesn't really talk much, but once he takes off his glasses his face is kind of cute."

"what are you on about? well, even if that's true i'm still better looking though." hoseok smirks.

the other just gives him a displeased look.

"don't you guys go to the same university?"

"yeah, but we're in different departments so we only see each other in general courses." jimin answers, shrugging.

hoseok hums in reply.

"isn't he one of those...what is it called again?"

"a shut-in?"

jeongguk hurriedly exits out of the building, he was irritated and wanted to get home as quickly as possible. why do people like to eat out so much? he shivers and picks up the pace, his dark bangs and clothes ruffling against the frigid wind. thankfully he doesn't live too far away.

it had been two months since he moved to the capital. he was greatly worried at first because obviously there was going to be a lot of people there but seoul had its good points.

he could watch all the latest anime as soon as they were released, get full coverage of idol broadcasts, and could buy anything he wanted without having to look for it online!

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