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it's the next day, and the forecast is supposed to be bright and sunny

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it's the next day, and the forecast is supposed to be bright and sunny.

"so you're taking it easy this morning?" seokjin asks from where he's sitting upon the couch reading a book. outside light showers of rain patter against the windows.

"my lectures were cancelled and i don't have work today, so i have the whole day off." jeongguk answers, only slightly irritated.

"i see. do you want to go somewhere to play?"

jeongguk huffs, "obviously i'll be watching all those animes that i've recorded and gathered over time."


he doesn't know why but he feels the need to clarify.

"also i'm made out of a substance that will melt under contact with the sun."

"woah..." seokjin looks at him with eyes full of wonder, honestly believing his words. (well he is a ghost so what's to say that that isn't possible.)

"then i'll stay in too." he goes back to his book, smiling to himself.

jeongguk's sitting right next to him on the couch, staring at the other who looks like he's right at home. he's taking him in as if he would up and disappear at any moment.

"...jin-ssi, since when have you been there?"

without looking up seokjin answers him, "hm? at the bridge? since when i wonder...when i came to, i was already there."

"what were you doing before all this?"

"i was a university student." he hums.

"so, you do remember things from when you were still alive."

"i'm alright with my name and basic information, but... if it's about the details of the things that happened, my memory becomes really blurry. i can't seem to remember when and where, and who and what i did."

but if i think about it..., jeongguk considers, he's yet to change out of his pajamas and his legs are folded up to his chest where he's sitting.

ghosts are supposed to be horrific, scary beings, and that event must just be part of the "horror phenomenon."

seokjin peeks at the boy who's lost in his own world.

if i think that he'll just disappear someday...

gently, he lowers a blanket over the boy who hadn't even noticed him move.

"huh?" jeongguk snaps back, feeling the warmth from the material draping over him.

"it's cold when i'm by your side right?" seokjin simply offers.

jeongguk's stunned, and for a second the image of a woman flashes in his mind.

"gguk, jeongguk..." her voice calls out to him.

that can't be it, he thinks.

he wraps the blanket closer to himself without a word.

just which part about this person... is scary?

"jin-ssi? are you alright?" jeongguk worriedly asks. seokjin had abruptly stood up and walked towards the door, his face blank. he sees the red numbers of his alarm clock read 11:44.

"jin-ssi?" he attempts. "he's not listening..."

again... again i'm...

he suddenly remembers how he'd been able to grab the other's hand and how he could physically touch his belongings.


ghost physics.

jeongguk rushed over to him and wrapped his arms around from behind. this seemed to make seokjin return to reality as he collapsed.


"ouch!" since seokjin put all of his weight on him both of them fell down.

for about two, three seconds, they just sat there trying to figure out what was going on.

"huh? what just happened?" seokjin asked wearily.

thump! thump! thump! jeongguk's heart beat rapidly.


seokjin grew concerned as the other hadn't spoken one word.

"sorry, are you okay?" he said, shifting closer. jeongguk's pulse picked up even more. "did you bump into something?"

still keeping his silence he gazed at his hands.

if this hand of mine holds any meaning at all...

dazed, he looked back at seokjin's worried expression, then at the clock behind him.

it was 11:45.

jeongguk resigned.

"i will... never let you relive your death ever again."

11:45 | jjk + ksjWhere stories live. Discover now